14. Mission PT.1

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(One week After the training simulation.)

Nøkk was called into Harry's office from the man himself for a Stealth mission preparation. Harry had just gestured for Nøkk to take a seat, she sat down and Harry began to speak.

Harry: "Alright Nøkk, If you didn't know, Y/n had a little chit chat with the terrorist you brought in for interrogation. He successfully got the rat to spit out the location of the base they keep all of their Cocaine and Children that they plan to traffic in. Looks like you and one Operator of your choice get to go on a vacation to Cayo Percio! Ok, on a serious note, your mission is to infiltrate the island from above by parachuting out of a stealth plane. After you pick your landing spot, you will make your way to the compound located in the bottom right region of the island. Finally you will enter with the operator of your choice and scout out the area. Any questions?"

Nøkk: "Obviously this is just a scouting mission and i know you don't expect me to do it alone but do i have any secondary objectives or options?"

Harry: "If you can get Any children out of there quietly and safely...go for it! And if you happen to run into the leader of the bases operations take him out, oh! make it look like an accident too. That is all Nøkk, gather your parter and your weapons...be ready for take off in three hours."

Nøkk saluted and left the room, it was obvious who she would pick to join her in this operation.

Y/n p.o.v

Damn these stupid campers! This new Grey ops cold war game just came out and people are already playing like that? Oh, someones at the door i better go answer it.

I got up and went to the door, I opened it to reveal Nøkk who was leaning against the wall on her shoulder.

Nøkk: "Harry Told me i could bring any fellow operator of my choice with me during my mission, and i choose you...are you fine with that Y/n?"

Y/n: "I'd love to accompany you on your mission Nøkk! I'll get my gear ready, just give me a few minutes!" I replied.

I already had my Uniform and armor on so I grabbed my helmet and my (ski mask/face covering) (whatever you want because it's you anyway) putting them both on. Next I grabbed my Galil, putting a suppressor on it while gathering ninety rounds for it. I'm sure everything else would be supplied to me anyway, so i went to go check on Nøkk.

I opened Nøkk's door to her room and saw her.

I opened Nøkk's door to her room and saw her

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(I know its the Cover of the Book but c'mon...look at it...it's beautiful!)

She had her Uniform unzipped exposing her cleavage! My face turned beet red under my mask and I knew, that she knew, i liked it...especially seeing it's effect on me last time!

Nøkk: "Like what you see Y/n? Maybe when we get back from our mission you can have another peak?" Nøkk teased.

The intercom activated interrupting our conversation.

Intercom: "Operator Nøkk please report to hanger 01 with supplies necessary for your mission along with your parter immediately."

Nøkk: "C'mon Y/n, Let's go!" Nøkk said as she zipped up her top.

Exit Y/n p.o.v

Nøkk had put her Ballistic vest on as she and Y/n sprinted to the hanger, they arrived after running for what felt was an hour, but in reality was only about five minutes. They were greeted by a huge stealth plane with its bay opened
Ready for them to climb inside.

Nøkk and Y/n double checked their weapons and gear then they boarded the plane taking a seat next to each other. Both of them put on a headset that allowed them to contact the pilot, the pilot got the all clear from Nøkk and closed the planes bay.

(Timeskip: 5 hours)

Pilot: "We are approaching the island, grab your parachute and your gear and get ready to jump!"

Y/n and Nøkk did as they were told, and walked to the bay door that was slowly opening. The door fully opened and they walked to the very edge, as they got to the edge the pilot spoke again.

Pilot: "Leaving the island is your job, so do it any way you can because i wont be here to pick you up! Alright 3...2...1...GO!"

Y/n and Nøkk leaped out of the plane and started skydiving towards the island, it was here where they would be on their own.

Nøkk: "Let's land over there in the jungle right next to the compound, i don't want to waste any time here!"

Nøkk looked to Y/n, Y/n gave her a thumbs up and they pulled their chutes allowing them to safely land outside the wall out of sight from any guard luckily . The couple pulled their chutes off and made their way into the compound.

(NOTE: i dont own gta....ok im VERY sorry for the VERY long wait i'll try to do the next chapter VERY soon! Also i'll stop with the Nøkk breast pictures i know they're repetitive but god damn i think it's the best Nøkk art out there! Anyways, i'm also going to start the destiny thing too but i'll do another chapter of this beforehand. Like i said, I apologize, but i'll try harder to get the next chapter out...tell me how i did and peace.)

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