
I was kind of nervous that Emma wasn't even going to show up. This was the first (well, technically second) time we'd be alone together since we broke up, and I'm not gonna lie and tell you it wasn't scary to think about.

We left so much unsaid, and I needed to tell her how I was feeling. Lastly, I needed to know if I ever had a chance at getting her back. Even if there's the tiniest bit of possibility, I would take it and run with it.

I was sitting at a small table in the back of the cafe when I heard the bells jingle, signifying that somebody had walked in.

I glanced up in anticipation, but it wasn't anybody I knew.

Just as my thoughts started flying around my head and convincing me she wasn't coming, the door jingled again, and Emma was walking towards my table.

I stood up to greet her, opening my arms for a hug I didn't expect her to accept.

But she did.

Sometimes a hug is like a picture. It can tell you a million different things.

This hug said nothing except for the simple fact that we missed each other. Maybe there was a little bit of hope in between us as we breathed each other in.

"How are you?" I asked as she sat down across from me.

"I'm okay," she said.

We sat in silence for about a minute until both of us tried to speak at the same time.

Both of us gave a nervous laugh, but at least that lightened the mood a little.

"You go first," I said.

"If I'm being honest, I really miss us," she said. "I know things won't magically go back to normal, but maybe we could work on that. Maybe we can start fresh and fix our previous issues. Take things. . . day by day."

My heart warmed. "Thank god," I said. "Emma, you have no idea how much I wanted to hear that. I want us to start over. We don't have to focus on what happened, but we can start new and work on overcoming the issues we face. I shouldn't have given up when I did," I said. "I guess I was too scared to work on our problems. I really hate that I hurt you. I never meant to give up on us. I think I was more giving up on myself."

Tears were forming in Emma's eyes, and suddenly I realized that my eyes were tearing up too.

She gave a little chuckle as she wiped a tear off of her face. "Can we get out of this damn coffee shop?"

"Yeah," I said. "Do you wanna come over?"

She nodded. "I'd like that."


"Hey," Grayson said as I walked into the apartment. "How'd it go with—Oh. Hey, Emma."

She gave him a small wave before I told her I'd be in my room in a minute. After she went off, I turned back to Grayson.

"We're not perfect, but we're working on it," I said. "We're gonna spend some time alone together."

Grayson nodded. "Go get her, tiger."

I smiled at my brother before walking to the hallway and to my room, where Emma was waiting for me.

As soon as my door was shut, I pulled her into my arms for a hug I knew we both really needed. No words lingering in the air, just us holding each other and breathing each other in. We were nothing but humans who knew they needed one another.

I ran my hand up and down her spine, glad to have her in my arms again.

"I missed you so much," she whispered.

"Hey," I said, tilting her chin up so she was looking at me. "We're gonna get through this," I whispered as we were swaying back and forth in our hug.

Emma reached onto her tiptoes, giving me a short but sweet peck on the lips. "Day by day," she said.

I held onto her tighter before she pulled away to lay on my bed.

She patted the spot next to her after she was under the covers. "Come here, pretty boy."

I smiled as I climbed in next to her. "Awe. You thunk I'm pretty?"

"I've always thought you were super good-looking."

I smiled again as I pulled her body into mine. "You're making me blush," I joked.

"You're making me want to kiss you," Emma said.

"Maybe you should," I flirted back.

"Maybe," she said, our lips meeting one another's.

It was a slow and smooth kiss, our mouths melting together as the kiss ran deeper.

Our tongues danced together as Emma pressed her body against mine even closer, both of us not able to get enough of each other.

"How are you so perfect?" I muttered as my lips traveled along her jaw and neck.

Emma leaned her head back, giving me better access to her skin as I left kisses all over.

I pulled away, so I could simply look at her. So I could process everything that was happening. She was mine again, but there was a lot we needed to work on.

"Whatcha thinking about?" she whispered, her thumb stroking across my cheek.

"How lucky I am to be right here with you right now."

She pressed a small kiss to my bottom lip. "I love you, Ethan."

My. Heart.

"I love you too. I promise we're gonna be okay again."

"Either way I can't keep missing you," she said.

"When does summer break start for you?" I asked.

"May 1st."

"Maybe you could stay here with Grayson and I," I said.

"I would love to, but I think we need to take smaller steps at a time. I'll probably stay with my mom and you and I can visit each other whenever we want."

"You're right," I said. "Baby steps. But that doesn't mean you can't stay the night here whenever you want."

Emma smiled. "Trust me, Ethan. I'm planning on it."

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