
"Two more nights," I said, holding Emma's hand as we walked out of the building. "You ready, babygirl?"

She smiled at me, leaning her head against my arm as we walked. "I'm so ready."

Two more days until she takes my last name. Two more days until we get to celebrate the rest of our lives together.

We reached Emma's car, and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

My hands went to her waist, and I leaned down to kiss her as her back pressed against her car.

"Mmmm. I love you so much," she said against my lips before I pecked hers again.

"I love you, baby," I said. "I'm so happy to be spending the rest of time with you."

She kissed me again, giving me a long, sweet peck. "We're gonna have such an amazing life together," she whispered.

"Ethan, time to go," Grayson called from the other side of the parking lot.

I kissed Emma again, telling her I'd call her when I got back to my mother's house.

"I'll miss you," Emma called as I started walking away. I blew her a kiss before catching up with Grayson and getting in the passenger seat of his car.

I kept my promise and called Emma as soon as I got home. Well, I FaceTimed her. I was hanging out with Grayson, but he didn't mind.

"Whatcha doin'?" I asked Emma as I ate a piece of popcorn.

"I'm about to go to sleep," she said. "I'm really tired."

"Awe," I said. "I miss you. I wish we were cuddling right now."

She smiled. "I miss you too. Only tonight and tomorrow night apart and then we can cuddle forever."

I laughed. "Sounds good, baby."

"Goodnight," she said. "I love you."

"I love you too. Goodnight, Em."

She hung up, and I looked up to see my brother staring at me.

"What?" I asked, smiling at him.

"I'm just really happy for you, E. You and Emma have been through so much together, and I'm so excited for your wedding. Both of you deserve a perfect day."

I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room before giving Grayson a hug. "I love you, man."

"Love you, E," he said, patting me on the back. "You're my best friend."

I pulled away before giving him a fist bump. "Always here for you, Gray. You can always come stay at Emma's and my house. We'll keep the guest room open for you."

Grayson smiled. "I have my own room!" he said, throwing his hands up in victory.

I laughed. "Of course you do, man."

"Wanna play video games?" he asked. I nodded, so we went upstairs to his old room and found the play station.

It was kind of like old times—before I even met Emma—when Grayson and I would sit for hours, and play video games together.

It was one of our favorite things to do together since we were little kids.

Grayson and I ended up playing video games for three hours, and we were laughing so hard at each other that we woke our mom up.

She just told us to either quiet down or to go to sleep.

We kept playing video games.

After a while, we turned off the play station and sat there talking for a while. Of course we've had deep twin talks recently, but Grayson and I stayed up almost to sunrise just talking about our lives. Sometimes I forget how much my brother understands me, but what the craziest part of that is it could only remind me that Emma understands me that well too.

I'm so lucky to have found someone that makes me feel as understood as my twin does.

God really blessed me with a girl that can make me feel as safe as Grayson can.

Emma's my comfort now. In a way she has been since I met her. She's always been a safe place for me to go to when I was down, or in a bad place.

She's been my rock.

Grayson and I actually both fell asleep on his bed, which resulted in him screaming at me to wake up around noon that day.

I'd say we got a fair seven hours of sleep. Not perfect, but better than some nights.

"Ethan it's our last day being twins."

I laughed, throwing a pillow at him. "Gray, just because I'm getting married tomorrow doesn't change the fact that we're twins."

"I know. I'm just gonna miss living with you."

"Grayson, Emma and I moved out like a while ago."

"I just can't believe we're old enough to be hitting these milestones now."

"I know," I said. "Maybe you'll have a niece or nephew in a couple of years."

"Awe," Grayson said. "That's adorable."

"What about you?" I said. "How's it been going with Raven?"

Grayson smiled. "I am so certain that she's the one, E."

"Awe," I said. "That makes me happy to hear. You deserve it, and I can tell how much you two admire each other."

"Thanks, Ethan. I think within the next year or so I'll be putting a ring on her finger."

I patted my brother on the back. "Let's goooooo."

Grayson laughed, prompting me to laugh too. I don't know what it was with being a twin, but we could make each other laugh even if we weren't trying to be funny.

We ate breakfast before I went back upstairs to take a shower, and then I went to pick up Emma for a little lunch date.

It was great to have a couple hours to just relax and get rid of our nerves for our wedding. We hadn't gotten much alone time that week, so it felt good to spend some quality time together.

Driving around town, her hand in mine and the windows down like we were seniors in high school again.

Everything we've been through was so worth it. She's taking my last name tomorrow.

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