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It's crazy to see how fast time goes by sometimes.

Before we knew it, Emma and I were celebrating our 2nd anniversary.

We were happier than ever, but we were even happier when we found out that our baby was gonna be a little girl.

Emma and I were having a baby, and Grayson was getting married a month from then.

It didn't work out for him and Raven, but he found unexpected love in someone we had known for a long time—Emma's best friend Tessa.

It was a whirlwind for those two, but they were perfect for each other. What Emma and I didn't know was that Grayson and Tessa dated on and off throughout high school, and a little bit in college.

I don't know how the hell I never knew that, but it made a lot more sense. I remember them briefly dating sophomore and junior year, but I never knew much about their situation after that.

Those two are an awesome couple, and I can't wait to see what's in store for them.

I loved seeing my brother happier than ever before, but I what I loved most was that I had the privilege of knowing exactly what is like to have the same level of happiness.

It's something I never thought was possible.

Emma changed that.


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