
Junior year of college, I had a part time job as an office temp at the marketing firm that both Ethan and Grayson had been hired at in New York.

It was a huge firm, and somehow the three of us ended up working together on the same floor.

I was there three days a week, the other two days being filled to the brim with classes, and one of those three days being split in half between work and classes.

I was working my ass off trying to get rid of student loan debt before it even needed to be taken care of.

Luckily scholarships and a well-paying job helped with that.

The three of us had officially moved into a two bedroom apartment just inside the city, and a short subway ride from the offices.

I was absolutely loving the New York life. I always felt drawn to the city, and now I was immersing myself in the culture of it.

$1.50 hot dogs on the street and all.

Ethan came into my small office, walking over to my desk and pecking me on the cheek. "Ready for lunch?"

"Yeah," I said, spinning around in my swivel chair, so I could stand up. "Is it just us two today?" I asked as I linked my arm with his.

"Raven surprised Grayson with lunch, so he's not coming with us today."

I smiled. "A little lunch date for us, huh?"

"Yeah," Ethan said.

So, we went to a small deli restaurant and sat down after we got our food.

"New York looks good on you, babe."

I smiled. "We've been living here for almost six months already. Isn't that crazy?"

"Doesn't feel real at all. I feel like we're not even a day out of high school."

"Me too. Can you believe it's almost been four years since we met?"

"We're getting old, Em. Maybe soon we'll retire and live vicariously through our children's football games."

"How many do you want?"

Ethan smiled. "I was thinking two or three."

"That's a good number," I said. "Hopefully it's two boys and a girl if we ever have three, because all I can remember about growing up with a sister is butting heads with her."

"Maybe we'll have identical twin boys."

"I don't know about twins," I said. "If that ever happens, I'll have to get a lot of advice from your mother."

Ethan smiled. "I think I might know a thing or two about twins."

I laughed. "We probably won't even have twins. They skip generations, right?"

"I think so, but it's possible you jinxed us."

"Oh. Well in that case, we're definitely going to have twins."

Ethan laughed, making me laugh again. I loved these days. Going to lunch together, talking about the future. Our future.

It made me happy. I loved how happy we were. 

We walked back into the office, saying goodbye with a quick kiss before we both started back to work. 

I immersed myself in replying to emails so much that I didn't even realize it was time to go until Ethan knocked on my door at 5.

I looked up at him before glancing at the clock. "Wow. This day went by so fast."

Ethan smiled. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," I said. "Just a second."

I organized my binder before putting it in the desk drawer, putting my laptop and a few things I needed into my bag, and then locking up my little office.

We found Grayson, and then made our way over to the parking garage a block away. 

Ethan and I made dinner together when we got home, and Grayson invited his girlfriend Raven over. They had been official for almost a year now, but Ethan and I knew they liked each other from the second Grayson even introduced her to us. 

After dinner, Ethan and I laid down in our bed to watch a movie. Both of us were tired after dinner because we ate a lot of food. I rested my head on Ethan's chest, and his hand ran up and down my back as we cuddled. 

"How did today go by so fast when it also felt like a long day?" he asked. I lifted my head up to give him a little kiss before laying my head back down. 

"I don't know," I said. "but it feels good to be relaxing now."

"Winter break's coming up soon," he said. "Grayson and I were talking about taking you girls on a trip somewhere warm."

"Ooh," I said, lifting my head up again. "Like Hawaii, or Florida or something?"

"Probably Hawaii."

"That sounds like so much fun. I haven't been to Hawaii since my mom got married to Olivia's dad."

"So like thirteen years ago?"

I smiled. "Yeah."

"We're gonna have a lot of fun."

"I love you," I said, pecking his lips again. "I can't even explain how much I love you."

Ethan wrapped his arms tighter around my shoulders. "I love you so much."

I smiled. "Wanna make out like teenagers?"

He rolled us over, so he was hovering over me. "Only always," Ethan said, pressing his lips to mine. I pulled him closer, so that our bodies pressed together, and I felt like we transported back to senior year when we'd be making out at my mom's house. 

So much has changed since then, but a lot has also stayed the same. 

Our love has grown so much since then.



I'm proposing to Emma in Hawaii. 

I know you probably think I'm crazy, but there's no doubt in my mind that Emma and I belong together forever. 

Getting engaged young doesn't mean getting married right away. We'll obviously enjoy our engagement for as long as necessary. 

But there's no reason I should wait to lock it down. I want her to be mine forever, and I want to be hers.

I never thought I'd be nearly 21 years old and already have found the woman I'm going to marry. 

But Emma's it. She's the one. My one.

I love her so much, and I can't wait to see what happens in the future.

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