
Emma went to hang out with Tessa and Olivia one evening, so I was hanging out at home with Grayson.

"You know, E, I'm really glad you and Emma figured things out. She makes you really happy."

I smiled. "Thanks, Gray. Emma does make me really happy. We're definitely doing a lot better now that she doesn't live across the country."

"She's good for you," he said.

"I think I'm gonna marry her someday. Obviously not anytime soon because we're super young, but someday I'll marry her."

"That's really sweet, Ethan," Grayson said.

"We gotta get you a girlfriend," I said.

"Actually, I've been working on that," he said. "There's a cute girl in my internship group."

"Wow, Gray. What's her name?"

He smiled. "Her name's Raven."

"Grayson, why didn't you invite her over the other night?" I asked. We had a ton of friends over like three nights prior.

"I don't know," he said. "I got nervous."

I smiled at my twin. "You're such an idiot. Just talk to her."

"Should I text her?" he asked, taking his phone out of his pocket.

I grabbed it. "No. It's twin night."

"Right," he said. "Should we turn the football game on?"

"Of course," I said.


When Emma came home that night, she got changed into comfier clothes before coming back to the living room and climbing onto my lap.

She buried her face in my neck as my arms tightened around her, and she started to fall asleep.

At first it was just because she wanted a hug, but then she got comfortable on top of me, and dozed off. It was adorable.

"You tired?" I asked.

"Mmhmm," she mumbled.

"Did you have fun tonight?"

"Yeah," she whispered.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too," she mumbled, pressing a small kiss to my neck.

I continued watching the rest of the football game with Grayson, my hand continuously running up and down Emma's back as she cuddled with me.

When the game was over, I gently shook Emma awake, and she stayed awake long enough to walk to our room and lay down.

After I brushed my teeth and changed into some sweat pants, I laid down next to her.

"I missed you tonight," she whispered. "I almost came home early, but I figured you were having fun with Grayson and I didn't wanna interrupt."

"Grayson and I just watched the game," I said. "But he did tell me that he likes a girl in his internship group."

"Really?" Emma said. "Why didn't he invite her over the other night?"

"That was my question too," I said. "He said he was nervous about it, but I told him he was an idiot."

"I'm just happy to be home," Emma said. "Olivia and Tessa are fun to be around, but they take up a lot of energy."

"At least we don't have anywhere to be tomorrow," I said. "We can have a lazy day."

"Sounds good," she said, nuzzling against me. "I love you. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, babe," I said, kissing her on the cheek. "I love you."

Two Weeks Later

Emma giggled as I ran kisses down her neck. "Ethan, stop. You're distracting me," she said, still giggling. My hands fell away from her waist as she continued cooking the scrambled eggs.

"I'm sorry," I said, still chuckling as my arms wrapped around her stomach again. "I can't help it sometimes."

She turned and smiled at me before returning her focus to the stove.

"Get a little self-control, Mr," she said. "You have a presentation today. You need to be focused."

"I need to be focused two hours from now," I said, kissing the corner of her lip. "For now I'm focused on what I have right in front of me."

Emma turned the stove off before wrapping her arms around my neck. I squeezed her in a hug before giving her a long peck.

She didn't have classes today, but I had to go in for a presentation at the internship center.

"You're gonna do great today," Emma said.

"Thank you," I said. "And thanks for cooking breakfast."

Emma smiled. "Better than you almost burning the building down trying to make a pop-tart."

"I didn't know how to work the toaster oven," I said. Emma laughed.

"Still don't."

I kissed her on the cheek. "What would I do without you?" I asked.

Emma giggled again. "You'd make Grayson cook for you."

"That's accurate," Grayson said, walking into the room. "Ethan never lifted a finger in the kitchen while you were in Arizona unless it was to grab a beer out of the fridge," he told Emma. "I cooked everything."

"We got pizza three nights a week, Grayson."

He laughed. "Still beats the frozen lasagna you attempted to make."

"Hey," I said. "I thought it'd cook faster if I turned the oven up."

Emma laughed, pushing away from my hold. "Yeah, Ethan. You're not allowed to cook for our future kids."

Grayson and I both laughed, Emma laughing a second later before I gave her one last kiss and sat down to eat my plate of food.

Grayson and I left a few minutes after that, and then we were on our way to the city.

The presentation actually went well, and I called Emma as soon as I was done to tell her all about it.

I didn't hang up the phone until I quite literally got home to her.

She gave me a huge hug, telling me how proud of me she was. I lifted her up, spinning in a small circle before she kissed me.

Grayson, Emma and I decided to go out to eat that night, so we could celebrate.

Grayson also invited his friend Raven that he had a crush on. Emma was excited to meet her, and I was looking forward to seeing my brother get nervous around a girl.

He's funny when he's nervous.

The school year wasn't even halfway finished yet, but Emma and I both knew that this was the best year yet.

We've been through so much. Now's time to sit back and enjoy life.

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