
I thought Ethan was nervous about the plane ride to Hawaii, but he seemed to be even more nervous the second we stepped off of the plane.

Grayson and Raven were acting completely normal, so I had no idea what was going on with Ethan.

The plane ride was super long, so all of us pretty much passed out as soon as we got to the air bnb.

I woke up at 7 the next morning, the sun shining brightly on my face through the sheer white curtains on the window.

I tried to wake Ethan up, but he snored even louder. So, I got up to take a shower before getting dressed for the day.

Grayson was making pancakes for everyone, and that was what woke Ethan up. I had asked Grayson what was going on with Ethan, but he just said that Ethan is terrified of planes.

Ethan did seem less nervous that morning after he woke up.

After breakfast was over and the dishes were clean, we headed out to the beach. 

Grayson was trying to teach Raven how to paddle board, while Ethan and I laid out some towels to lay down on. Both of us wanted to get a nice tan under the Hawaiian sun.

 After about half an hour, I could feel my skin starting to get a little bit sunburnt, so I made Ethan put sunscreen on my back for me. I nearly fell asleep as he was massaging it into my shoulders and back.

His hands were warm against my bare skin, and he'd press the occasional little soft kiss to my skin as he kept massaging my back. I just used a spray sunscreen for the rest. I had a facial one I had applied previously to keep my face protected from the bright sun.

We went to an outdoor restaurant for dinner, and the food was amazing. I was almost ready absolutely loving Hawaii.

Ethan and I watched a movie when we got back, but Grayson and Raven decided to 'hit the hay early' because of 'jet lag'. 

Whatever they were doing in there was definitely not sleeping. Ethan let out a small snort, chuckling at the sound of the bed hitting the wall. "They don't even try to hide it," he said.

I smiled. "You say that like we try."

"You couldn't be quiet for me if you tried."

I bit my lip, giving him a look. "Try me, Edwin."

He smiled before standing up, scooping me into his arms bridal style, and running into our room and kicking the door closed with his foot. I couldn't help but laugh as he set me on the bed, immediately climbing over me, and starting to take off his shirt.

He was right. I tried staying as quiet as I could, but he had a way of just making my jaw drop. He had me biting my lip, digging my nails into his back, tugging gently on his hair, and clenching the sheets in between my fists. 

Our breathing heavy as he continuously sped up, slowed down, and sped up again. It was so good, yet it was torture.

After not one, but two of the best highs I've ever felt, we laid there cuddling in the dark, our fingers intertwined and our legs tangled together. Warm skin against warm skin. 

My favorite thing about my relationship with Ethan was that no matter what, we were always able to just talk for hours. We never even seemed to run into the same conversation twice, and our discussions were always so important or exciting. 

We could lay there and have heart-to-heart conversations for hours until the sun came up, and that wasn't just in Hawaii. That happened pretty frequently, resulting in Grayson yelling at Ethan in the morning because we would be late to work if we stopped for coffee.

That week in Hawaii was so fun, but the last day there was better than every other part of the trip combined. 

Ethan had told me we were going on a little date, so we both dressed a little cute. I had a light pink floral sundress, and Ethan had a simple white shirt and jeans. He looked really cute.

We ate at a cute little restaurant before we walked down the beach to this secluded little pavilion. It had string lights in it, and there was soft music playing from somewhere around there. The views around us were incredible.

Ethan looked down, taking my hands in his before he looked back up to meet my eyes. "Emma, I can't even begin to explain how much I love you. And by that I mean every single thing about you. You captured me completely since the first moment I ever sat next to you in school, and you've had me ever since then. All of me. Being with you has been one of the most surreal experiences of my life. Everything we've been through together--it all leads to where we are now, and I'm so grateful for that. I never thought I'd find someone who completely understands me. I mean, I have Grayson, but you're on the same level as he is. You always understand me more than anyone, and I admire that so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Emma. I really really do. I wanna do my best to give you everything I have. I want us to grow old together. I know we're young, but that's not stopping me from asking what I'm about to ask," he said. I covered my mouth with my hand as Ethan sank to the ground on one knee, holding up an absolutely gorgeous engagement ring. 

He gave me a huge grin. "Mildred, will you marry me?"

I laughed at the old nickname before nodding my head. "Of course I will, Edwin."

Ethan chuckled as he slipped the ring over my finger. Well, after I moved the promise ring to my other hand. I'd keep that one forever too. 

I kissed Ethan as soon as he stood up, and then he lifted me up and spun around as we hugged each other. The moment was so perfect, and I knew I'd never forget everything we've been through to get to this moment.

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