
I was still in shock. Ethan and I were engaged.


I mean, we weren't planning on getting married for at least a few more years. We wanted to be done with college, settled down into a nice house in Jersey with good jobs.

We both wanted our careers to be set before we tied the knot.

But I was still so happy.

It was Ethan and I forever.


The best part of that, is that word didn't scare me anymore. It comforted me now.

I was gonna get to spend the rest of my life with the one person I felt like I could ever love this much.

I love him so god damn much. He's everything to me.

When we got back to New York from Hawaii, we actually went to go visit Lisa, but her and my mother surprised us with our friends and family for an engagement celebration party.

God, I couldn't believe that any of this was real. I was on cloud nine. I felt like I was dreaming, and I never wanted it to end.

The best part was that it wasn't going to end. This was forever. Ethan and I forever.

As Olivia and Tessa were gushing over my ring, I couldn't help but glance across the room at my fiancé, who was talking to my grandmother.

My heart could only feel grateful for everything I had. Amazing friends, the best family.

It all felt so surreal.

I walked away to join Ethan and talk to my grandmother. I was so happy to see her. Man, I wish my dad could've been there. I knew she did too.

I ended up hanging out with a few of Ethan's cousins, and they were a blast to be around. I found joy in the fact that our families were becoming each other's now. I was a part of his, and he was a part of mine.

I felt his familiar arms wrap around my waist as he pulled my back against his chest. Then he kissed me on the cheek, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Hi, baby," he said.

I turned around, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him closer for a hug. "You doing good?" I asked as he kissed me on the cheek again.

He smiled at me, his hands still on the small of my back. "I'm doing great," he said. "I love you a lot, you know."

I chuckled. "You're so cute, and I get to marry you. Gosh, I got so lucky."

"I think I'm the lucky one, Miss Mildred."

"Maybe we're both lucky."

"Maybe our wedding invitations should say Mildred and Edwin."

I laughed, gently pushing him away. "Shut up."

"You gotta admit it's a good idea," he said.

"Ethan, we are putting our actual names on the invitations."

"Fine, I guess," he said, pretending to be disappointed. "Happy wife, happy life."

I smiled, rolling my eyes as Grayson and Raven approached us. Ethan put his arm around my waist, gently pulling me into his side as we stood there talking to them.

I wrapped my arms around Ethan's stomach, leaning my head against him as we all hung out.

Ethan and I tried to do our best to talk to everyone there, including his mom and my mother. The party was a very nice and relaxing environment with everyone simply talking and having a good time.

A lot of our extended family members started slowly filtering out to go home, and then we were left with our closest friends and our mothers.

Of course our moms wanted to take some pictures of Ethan and I.

I started laughing when Lisa yelled at Ethan telling him to kiss me because he immediately dipped me down so fast that I couldn't even process what was happening until his lips were on mine.

Giggling through the kiss, I was holding on as tight as I could, trying not to fall from his grasp before he helped me stand back up.

We took some more photos together before the party ended, and everyone went home.

Even though it was late when we got back to the city, we decided to go out to eat with Grayson and Raven.

We found a cute little hole in the wall restaurant, and all of us ordered dessert.

As I ate my ice cream sundae, I reached over and set my hand on Ethan's knee. "You boys' birthday is coming up," I said, glancing from Ethan to Grayson, and then back to Ethan.

Ethan winked at me. "I only want one thing for my birthday, Emma, and that is you."

I leaned my head on his arm. "I'm right here, babe. Happy early birthday."

Ethan kissed me on the forehead before taking his spoon and stealing a bite of my ice cream.

I smiled, shaking my head at him before I started eating the rest of my dessert. I didn't want him to take anymore of it, or else I was gonna have to steal his dessert.

I couldn't help but enjoy the city lights even more than usual as we walked back to our apartment. Hand in hand, I felt like we could take on the world.

The city was so beautiful at night, but what made it so special to me was that Ethan and I were starting another chapter together.

I decided that I'd go shopping for his birthday present tomorrow when he went to work.

As we fell asleep that night, I felt so warm and cozy in his arms. His kisses against my skin reminded me that this was forever, and I just felt so at peace with that.

His lips were slow and soft against my neck, our bodies pressing lightly against one another's.

Slow kisses turned to slow love making, and then we fell asleep tangled in each other's arms.

I was so god damn grateful for that stupid bet Ethan made when we barely knew each other.

Somehow, it got us here.

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