𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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11:33 pm
June 2, 1996

After the interesting dinner with the Malfoys, I returned to my bedroom. I peeled off my tight, black dress and quickly changed into my dark green satin pajama set, grabbed a book, and settled myself into bed. After this, I patiently waited to hear my mother's footsteps, so I fake read in the meantime to look at least a little bit less suspicious. Then, I could hear her footsteps progressing to my room. The door creaked open and she beamed at me.

"Goodnight Estelle." She said gently, switching off my lights.

"Goodnight Mother."

I placed my book on my nightstand and pretended to settle into bed. My eyes stayed glued to the clock, and near 11:50, I tiptoed out of bed over to my grand window.

This was going to be difficult.

I had never snuck out at home before, only at Hogwarts with Pansy and Blaise, sneaking into the woods in the moonlight with them. My window slowly cranked open when I spun the lever at the bottom. I winced as it creaked and cracked, but if someone heard, they would've said something. The warm summer nights breeze rushed into my room as I climbed onto a small limestone ledge, close to my window. I slowly, but surely closed the window with a few creaks here and there. The toughest part was about to be getting down. My feet dangled off the edge, but I managed to lower myself onto the roof, where I climbed down to a lower canopy where the back patio began. I gently used my arm muscles to lower myself onto the fireplace, and silently crawled down onto the slate patio.

The breeze brushed my hair into the wind as I zoomed through the backyard, hoping not to get caught. A short, black fence stood in the way, but I pulled myself over it, barely making a sound. The woods stood tall in front of me, but who knows what was lurking. Who knows if Draco was even waiting for me. I squinted my eyes and peered through the seemingly endless foliage, and saw a faint light of a lantern where the lake in the middle of the woods stood. Glancing behind me, I began to tiptoe across the crunchy leaves towards the light. Paranoia got the best of me as I checked my surroundings every few moments I ascended deeper and deeper into the woods. Then, I saw him.

His blond hair glowed in the light of the lantern, and those amazing grey eyes gazed across the lake that lay like a blanket ahead of him. The moonlight shown on his pale skin, making it glow.

"Hi Draco." I whispered, still in disbelief at Draco's beauty.

He slowly glanced back at me, his eyes flickering as he admired me, up and down. "Hello Estelle."

I slowly trudged through the leaves, cringing at every loud noise I made.

"It's okay, we're way too deep in the woods for them to hear." He whispered gently, obviously longing for me to come sit with him.

I lowered myself next to him. I gazed off into the view beyond the lake as well. He turned his head towards me. "Are you serious?"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "What?"

He reached over towards me and grabbed me by my left hip, slowly pulling my body closer to his. My legs reached along over his, and he snaked his cold hand around my waist once again, and rested it on my hip.

"So, what did you want me to come here for?" I questioned him, fiddling with a leaf I had found on the ground.

He stayed silent at first, but then I saw some sort of anger starting to build up within his eyes. Suddenly, he hoisted me up and positioned me to where my legs were wrapped around him, and he slammed me against a large oak tree that rested along the bank of the lake. Our foreheads touched as the back of my head rested against the bark of the tree. All he did at first was breathe deeply, but it was enough to turn me on. Then, his hand dragged up my torso, eventually reaching my throat and slightly grasping it. He lowered my legs from his waist and pushed my hip to the tree, so that one hand was around my throat and one hand was on my waist.

"Now Armstrong. I don't want you to fucking lie to me, like you did at dinner." He growled, our foreheads still pressed against eachother's. "Did you break up with Weasley, or not?"

I swallowed hard, struggling to breath because of his grasp around my neck. Nothing I didn't like though. This was exactly how I wanted to be handled. "Yes, Draco. I broke up with Ron." I choked.

He tightened his grip more, causing me to gasp at his touch. "Damn it, Estelle. I said don't fucking lie to me. Is Ron out of your life, or is he not?" He repeated, breathing even heavier.

"I said he was, Draco!" I started violently coughing due to my lack of air as he released his grip on my throat, and shifted his hand onto my hips along with the other one.

"Now. If you really broke up with Ron, you're gonna have to prove it."

"Why do you care so much?"

"Damnit, Estelle. He's not fucking good for you. You're so blind as to how he treats you."

I swallowed hard as he practically shouted in my face.

"If you really broke up with that prick, I want you to fucking kiss me, Estelle."

My heart was racing at this point. This was practically life or death for me. I felt awful, but there was no way out unless I did this. I remembered the time Ron had kissed Hermione, and get this, I let it slide! I was done living my life like Ron wanted me to.

"Kiss you!?" I shot back, knowing and accepting now that deep down, I longed for more than just to kiss him.

"Yes, you heard me. I said kiss me." He whispered back, "and if you don't, then I'll know you lied to me, and I'll never speak to your sorry ass every again. But if you do, and I find out that you actually never broke up with Ron, I'll tell the whole school how much of a cheating, lying, slut you are, Estelle."

Suddenly in that moment, the anger from the past two years that had destroyed me every single day of my life came out of me, and I did it.

I kissed Draco Malfoy.

I had officially cheated on Ron.

As soon as our lips crashed together, Draco lifted me back up and I carefully wrapped my legs around his waist, and my arms around the back of his neck. He kissed me slowly, but passionately, his warm tongue creeping into my mouth. When I inserted my tongue into his mouth, he gently sucked on it, sending intense chills down my spine. I entangled my fingers in his messy hair. He moved one of his hands from my waist to my jawline. We ending up doing this for about 3 minutes, without shame. When he pulled away, he gently gripped my bottom lip between his teeth and released it while he stared into my eyes with a faint smirk.

"This time. Tomorrow night. Don't be late."

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