𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞

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5:31 pm
June 23, 1996

As we opened the doors to the building where the summer ball was held, every head turned, leaving all eyes on me and Draco. We linked arms, mine through his and walked properly through the aisle between the tables that scattered across the floor. Many different teenage girls whispered to each other as they stared me down. I simply waved and smiled and they immediately looked away. A taller man stood in the middle of the ballroom and greeted us.

"Why hello Mr. Malfoy!" He exclaimed, patting Draco gently on the back. "Who's the lucky lady you've brought here today?"

Draco cleared his throat as he glanced around and looked at all the wondering eyes fixed on us. "Thank you for having my family and I. This is Estelle Armstrong," he looked back at me and smirked, "My lovely girlfriend."

Gasps filled the crowd, and even one came from me. I knew Draco and I were a thing, but I didn't know I was that special to him. Tons of the girls sitting among the tables had their eyes fixed on me with looks of envy. At a table behind me, I heard a huge scoff come from a woman. I couldn't help but to turn around and see who it was, and it was Molly Weasley, with every other rotten Weasley sitting along with her. Ginny gave me a look of disgust along with both Fred and George. Arthur could've given less of a shit. But Ron— Ron glared at Draco and I with the roughest look of hatred that anyone could've given. Draco kept his cool and sneered at the table of redheads. I felt absolutely terrible, only for Molly Weasley. But she had no idea how her son had treated me.

"Lucky lady you are, being with this young gentleman on a night like tonight." The man praised, a smile forming across my face as I glanced back at Draco.

Another slight scoff had come behind me, this time it was Ronald. "Gentleman—pshh. Gentleman my ass."

Draco unhesitatingly turned his head and snapped back at Ron. "You're one to talk, Weasley. I saw the way you treated her back at Hogwarts, controlling every move she made. Repulsive. Absolutely repulsive."

Ron's family looked at him in shock after Draco snapped back. Even Arthur became more involved in the drama.

"Ronald? Have I taught you nothing?" Molly shot at Ron, with an evil look on her face.

I looked away from the ginger family behind me and Draco did as well. "Good one, Draco." I murmured to him as a mischievous grin grew onto his face.

The host invited everyone to get out of their seats and dance.

"May I have this dance my lovely lady?" Draco asked properly with his hand reached out to me and his chin held high.

"Of course my kind sir!" I chuckled back, taking his hand.

He pulled me out of my seat and grasped onto my waist. I rested my hands against his broad shoulders. Elegant music played in the background as he twisted, turned, and dipped me to the sound of it. Right as we finished our waltz, my eyes fell to the door, only to see Pansy walking in with her family. She spotted me and hurried up to me to give me a big hug.

"I've missed you so much, Estelle!" She exclaimed. I could tell when she noticed I was here with Draco because I heard the shock in her voice. "You're here with Malfoy?"

"It's a super long story." I laughed, linking arms with Draco.

Pansy smirked and waved goodbye, heading back to see her family. After the beginning waltz, regular songs played and Draco and I jammed out to them. Then, the lighting changed to a bluish purple color. We knew then it was going to be a slow song. Many couples stood from their seats and held onto each other, eager to begin dancing. I even glanced over and saw Lucius and Narcissa ready to dance. The slow guitar started to play and I knew this song. It was Every Breath You Take by The Police. Draco smiled softly when he heard the song begin to play and immediately grabbed both of my hands. We slow danced romantically to this song like no one was watching. The blond slowly murmured the lyrics into my ear as we danced.

He pushed my hair out of my eyes. "Oh can't you seeeeeee, you belong to me." He sang softly. I'm not even going to lie, I smiled like an absolute idiot. He leaned down and kissed my forehead and continued to sway along with me. I laid my head onto his chest while he rested his hand in my hair, our remaining hands still clutching each other's.

I glanced over and Narcissa who was still dancing with Lucius. She smiled at me and mouthed "Thank you for making Draco happy." It was my greatest honor to be able to do this for him.

"Malfoy and another of his little sluts." Said a familiar voice coming from behind me.

I innocently looked back at Ron, standing there with his arms folded across his chest.

"Hey Ron, do us a favor and fuck off." Draco spat back at the redhead.

Molly came rushing up behind him to see what the big deal was.

"Now Ron, go back and sit with your sister." She snapped, shooing Ron away. "Now, Estelle. May I please ask what my son did? Draco, he had just mentioned it earlier in the night and I've just been quite curious ever since."

I swallowed hard and looked to Draco, only to receive a nod of approval from him. "Well, you see Mrs. Weasley," I said, "Ronald was completely unfair to me, that's for sure . Your son has no idea how to treat a lady, and I know you taught him better than that. He was very abusive with his words, and was very, very, very controlling over me. I deeply apologize if I have offended you and your family by obtaining this relationship with Draco, but he saved me from Ronald."

Molly stood there, appalled. "Ronald Weasley!" She hurried away from me and Draco across the room over to where Ron sat. Draco and I giggled as we watched the selfish redhead behind scolded by his mother.

After our moment, Draco and I kept slow dancing into the night. Until he began running his hands along my torso seductively. He glanced up at his parents and leaned down to my ear.

"Estelle, let's get out of here."

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