Vital [3]

415 26 1

Beth Greene POV

They say when you're about to die, your life flashes in front of your eyes.

I saw my family, when I was growing up.

Then I saw living on the farm.

I saw good memories and bad ones.

I watched people who I loved die.

I watched as strangers became my friends.

Then it went dark.

I thought it was over, I started to accept the fate, I used to want death so bad, but now that it was here... I was scared.

I would never see the faces of my friends and family.

But then I heard noise.

A rustling of leaves.

Then voices.

The sounds would fade in and out.

Then they started to get stronger.

I would hear words. Some one was whispering "Beth"

Then it got louder.

Soon enough I felt warm hands lie on my wrist.

I tried to speak but I was too weak.

I felt a presence in the air and my eyes started to slowly open.



The group was amazed.

As her blue eyes started to reveal them selves.

None spoke, none moved.

She had been brought back from the dead.

Daryl kissed her on the head lightly.

She looked around at everyone in the group.

Slowly her mouth started to open...


Again thanks for all the love and support <3

Oxygen (Bethyl FanFic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora