Chapter Nine

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    The second I heard I could visit Luke I made Beau drive me. All of us piled into his car. I ended up having to sit on Jai's lap. Except I couldn't even look at it. He reminded me of Luke, well of course because they are twins.

    I was the first to get out of the car and run into the hospital. I went up to the woman sitting behind the counter taking phone calls. She looked up at me.

    "I'm here to see Luke Brooks."

    She started rummaging through a book filled with patients and their room numbers.

    "Yes, he is in room 208. Just to your left and down the hall a little bit. It's pretty easy to find."

    I took off running down the hallway trying to find the room number. I quickly found it and ran in stopping short in the doorway. I didn't want to seem to eager to see him. He was laying in the hospital bed clicking through the channels on the television. 

    "Jesus Christ. There are no good channels here."

    I couldn't help but smile as I knocked on the door. His head turned to look at me. His frown turned into a big smile. He had a black eye along with a cast on his arm. He must have broken it pretty badly because it was also in a sling. He moved over on his bed and pat the open space next to him. I walked in and sat down next to him. He put his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder. I was so happy to see he was okay. I looked up at him to see him smiling down at me.

    My phone vibrated and I looked to see a twitter mention from Beau.

    "Look at the lovely couple. @Luke_Brooks and @JulietParks xo"

    Attached was a picture that must have been taken. It was actually pretty cute except for the who hospital scenery. I laughed and showed Luke who had already retweeted it from his phone.

    "Well can we come in now or are you two still being all lovey dovey?"

    Everyone came in and sat in the chairs and the nurse even brought a few more in. We all sat around talking and laughing. The doctor said that Luke could even go home that day! Beau ended up driving home James, Skip and Bryanna first because we all couldn't fit into the car. Beau came back and Luke, Jai and I got into the car.

    "Will you stay over?"

    "Of course I will."

    Jai turned on the radio and What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction came on. I frowned and said, "Oh my god this song is so overplayed."

    Luke grabbed my hand and turned to face me. He started singing very loud the lyrics. I laughed and covered up my face.

    "Baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed but when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to don't know oh oh. YOU DON'T KNOW YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL."

    We pulled into the driveway and I couldn't bare to look at my old house. All of the memories killed me inside. I followed Luke inside his house and we sat on the couch. Beau had his eyes glued to his phone. I knew he was talking to Bryanna, those two were so cute.

    "We should do a twitcam! To celebrate Luke coming home! Unless Jul doesn't want to."

    "Of course I will!"

    Jai brought over his laptop and Beau sat down on the floor right in front of it. He set it up and we were soon online. Many people started tweeting and it got up to over 1,00 views and counting in a few minutes. 

    "Hey guys. Well we'll be answering questions so make sure to send us some!"

    Beau leaned in to look at the side where all the messages were.

    "Kelly asks...What do you guys think of Juliet? Well I think she's awesome. She's one of my best friends and-"

    "Juliet's hot!" Jai piped in and started laughing. 

    "Fuck you Jai!" 

    Luke leaned over and slapped Jai in the back of the head. I covered my mouth to keep myself from laughing. They answered a few more questions and then I heard a loud banging that sounded like it came from outside. We all got up to look outside and we saw someone tearing down the for sale sign that was on the lawn of my old house.

    I would recognize that loud cursing from anywhere. My father was back in Melbourne. I hid behind Luke and he turned around seeing everyone come outside.

    "What are you looking at?!"

    We all ran back inside and got back to the twitcam.

    "Did you know who that was?"

    "N-no. I have to go. Can someone drive me home?"

    Beau agreed to drive me while Jai and Luke stayed home. I walked into Bryanna's room and saw her sitting on her laptop. I sat down next to her to see she was watching the twitcam. 

    "You just got here in enought time. They don't even know that the twitcam is still on so they are just sitting there talking. It's hilarious!"

    Then Jai started talking to Luke.

    "So what's the deal with you and Jul? Are you two together or what?"

    "I really love her. She's not like any other girl I've met. She's truly special. Everytime I see her I Her presence makes me melt inside. I...WAIT. Dude the fucking twitcam is still going on. Oh crap. Jul if you heard any of that i'm sorry!"

    I felt my eyes starting to water. No guy had ever been that sweet in my entire life. That was when I knew that I truly loved him. I quickly sent out a tweet to him say, "Don't be sorry. I love you too. xo"

   They turned off thw twitcam and probably went to sleep. I turned to Bryanna.

    "I saw my father...He's back. I can't go to the same school. What can I do?"

    "Well there's another school you could enroll in. It's not too far. Pretty much the same distance. You have a lisence right? You can drive there. It's called Penola i think. My parents can go with you to sign you up."

   The one thing about Bryanna is that she was very generous. But her family was also very rich. they had a huge house which I considered to be a mansion. Each of her parents had a car and Bryanna also had on. There was another smaller car that was Bryanna's first car but it was still very nice for someone's first car. They said that could be my car for the time being until I can get my own.

    "Okay well then it's offcial I'm going to Penola."

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