Chapter Five

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    "Bryanna can you video tape this time? We gotta get Jul happy again!"

    "Yeah of course!"

    She took the camera from my hands and started video taping Jai. He started to dance behind some random man. That's when I figured out what they were doing, more dance dares. I laughed as the guy turned around and Jai walked away like nothing happened.  Then Luke started dancing behind some random guy for a good ten minutes before he got up and walked away. 

    I couldn't take it anymore, I couldn't let some guy who I met a few days before ruin my mood. I walked up behind someone and started dancing and doing crazy things behind them. I ended up doing a one handed cartwheel. They turned around and I dropped pretending to tie my shoe. Everyone ended up dancing behind someone.

    I got on Luke' shoulder and he started dancing. I moved my arms around and tried dancing while on his shoulders. We walked off before they noticed which made it even funnier. Beau and Bryanna were dancing together on the escalator. We were all stand there deciding who was going to dance next when Jai pushed Skip and I towards a group of girls standing with their shopping bags. I froze not knowing what to do. I ended up just pushing past him and walking behind the camera.

    "Well I'm feeling some tension right now."

    I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. Skip waltzed over fixing the hat on top of his head. He smirked at me knowing he got me mad.

    "You're an asshole."

    "It's better than being a frigid beeyotch."

    "Next time you might want to use the real word. Loser."

    He was about to say something when some girl came up asking for their pictures to be taken with the boys. I took a picture for her and she looked happier than ever.

    "Hey, can I get my picture taken with you?"

    "Wow, really? Sure!"

    After we took a picture she ran off probably to go and show off to her friends about how she got a picture with the janoskians. Luke decided that we should all go get something to east so we went to a local restaurant. I unfortunately had to sit across from Skip. We sat there glaring at eachother for the entire time until the waitress came to take our orders. Skip ordered first.

    "I'll have a chocolate milkshake and a cheeseburger deluxe with french fries. Oh and can i get cheese on those fries?"

    "Jesus are you a whale or something?"

    "Well I bet you caouldn't eat anything like that you big baby. Can you stop complaining for one second."

     "Oh really?...I'll have the same exact thing."

    The waitress looked at me weirdly. Everyone at the table continued to look at us as if we were going to swing for him right across the table.

    "You sure you want to do that? I mean I don't think a girl can eat food that weighs more than her."

    "Yeah. What afraid I'll eat more than you."

    There was small talk between the others as we waited for the food to come. Although I stay quiet for the most part. Eventually the food came and mine and skips took up most of the table. 

    "Ready, Set, GO."

    I started eating quicker than I ever have in my life. I'm pretty sure I never ate that much food in my life. Skip stopped eating and grabbed out his phone right as I took a big bite of my burger.

    "Stop!" I yelled and tried to cover my face as he snapped a few pictures. I slapped his phone right out of his hand and onto the floor.

    "You're such a little bitch."

    He picked up his phone as I took a large gulp of my milkshake. 

    "How about we make this interesting?"

    "How so Skip?"

    "Loser has to leave this restaurant and strip right on the sidewalk."

    "Fine but you better start loosening up your pants buddie 'cause I'm not stripping."

    After a good 15 more minutes I couldn't eat anymore. I nearly finished all of my fries and my burger but there was still some left. Meanwhile Skip finished before me.

    "Ready to undress sweetheart?"

    "No. I'm not stripping. Bryanna come with me."

    I grabbed her and pulled her into the girls bathroom. I needed to tell someone.

    "I need you to help me. I can't do this. I can't take off my clothes."


    "This is why..." 

    I lifted up my sleeves to reveal all of the bruises they were healing but they were still pretty bad. I looked p at her to see her facial reaction. She looked shocked. 

    "How Jules? Who is doing this to you?"

    "You know why I never have you over? This is why. But please you can't tell anyone. I beg of you. But it is worse underneath my shirt so please you need to help me.'

    "Sure, of course."

    That was the best thing about Bryanna. I could always count on her and trust her with anything. We left the bathroom and the table was already empty. They were all waiting outside for us. Bryanna walked over to Beau.

    "Hey Luke. I think it's best you get Jul home. She's not feeling too well, must be all that food." 

    Skip interrupted just as Luke was about to speak. "Hell no! This girl has to take her clothes off!"

    'Don't be a dick Skip. I'm taking her home."

    Luke put his arm around me and we started walking in the direction of my house. I heard Skip ranting until we turned the block.

    "Ugh I can't stand him. He's such a jerk. I mean how can he have a girlfriend? He obviously doesn't care about anyone but himself."

    "Jul! Can you not talk about Skip? I mean really."

    He left go off me and I stumbled slightly.

    "What's your problem?"

    "My problem? You always talk about Skip meanwhile you never notice the people that actually care for you like me...I care about you. I always have since the day I met you. But you've been too stubborn to notice!"

    I stopped right in the middle of the walkway. I couldn't find the words to say, it caught me completely off guard.

    "I never knew you felt that way..."

    "Of course I have. I'm always trying to make you happy but you won't give me the time of day."

    I felt tears forming in my eyes. I never heard Luke yell before, it was so strange to hear. I ran right past him and started running home before I got too emotional. I couldn't deal with seeing him angry like that. Plus I didn't want him to see me cry. I ran home to see a for sale sign on my lawn.

    I barged into the house and stared at my dad who was packing away boxes.

    "What the hell?! We're moving?"

    "Yeah to Sydney or somewhere near there. And you won't be going to school I can't have another law suit on my hands."

    "I'm not going."

    He grabbed my arm and dragged me out into the car.

    "We are leaving now. The movers will bring the stuff my the morning."

    He shoved me into the back seat and all I could do was stare out the window. I thought about everyone, I couldn't even say good-bye to them all. 

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