Chapter Ten

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    Luke was slowly getting better even though no one knew who attacked him on that day. Bryanna's parents and I decided to take a drive to Penola and register. It was easy to do since we went on the weekend. I registered with no issues and even go my schedule that day. Once we got back to the house all of they guys were over. They attacked me with hugs and then Luke emerged from behind them all.


    He smiled and grabbed my waist kissing me softly. I closed my eyes and smiled pulling away. He took my hand and led me over to the couch. I ended up sitting on his lap because there was no other room. We all sat around laughing when I saw Skip get up to get water. I quickly got up and followed him. 

    "Wait Skip I need to ask you something."


    "I know you fight well. I need you to train me. Whenever you're free is fine but I need your help. Please."

    If my father was back I needed to know how to protect myself against him. This way I wouldn't be so helpless.

    "Fine. Come to my gym after school at 5 o'clock. I'll text you the address."

    "Oh my god thank you so much! You don't know how much this means to me!"

    "Yeah, yeah...Don't mention it. No I mean really don't mention it."

    I smiled and walked back into the other room. We all sat talking for a while then the boys got tired and decided to leave. Bryanna and I quickly went to bed because we had school the next day. Although we were going to different schools we still had to get up the same time.


    The nexy day I woke up to the loud buzzing of my alarm. I got dressed in the school uniform which actually looked not bad. I straightened my hair and applied makeup. I said goodbye to Bryanna and her parents and then drove off to school. I pulled into the parking lot and found a spot no too far from the doors. I grabbed my bookbag from the passangers side and made my way to the front doors.

    I pulled out my schedule to see my first class, photography. I walked through the chaos filled halls trying to find the classroom. I eventually found it and walked in with just a minute to spare. I looked to see everyone talking and joking around. My eyes stopped as I saw a familar face except their back was turned to me.

    I smirked and strolled over to Luke. I had no idea he went to Penola.

    "Excuse me...Is this seat taken?"

    Luke turned around to face me and as he did his smile was a big as it could get.

    "Baby! What are you doing here?"

    He stood up and kissed me before the bell rang.

    "I transfered her! I didn't know that you went to school here."

    I smiled as I sat down at the table with him. The teacher introduced me as a new student which was probably the most embarassing thing. For the entire class Luke was holding my hand, I thought it was really sweet. By the time the class ended I didn't want to leave him. 

    "I'll walk you to your next class if you want."

    "I'd love that."

    As we walked in the hallways I felt all eyes on us. Luke wrapped his free hand around my waist and pulled me closer as we walked. He dropped me off at my math class.

    "Well I have to get to my class. I'll see you later Jul."

    He kissed my cheek and I instantly turned pink in the cheeks. I quickly went into class and sat in the back. They day flew by and it was lunchtime. I walked in and sat with Luke, Jai, Beau and Skip. I guess they were popular at school because everyone was looking at them. 

    I sat going over my schedule with Luke, he was very helpful with finding classes. Skip kept staring me down though for some odd reason. I looked up at him.

    "So Juliet. We are on for after school right?"

    I just nodded but Luke's head popped up. I shot Skip a look because I knew he was just saying it to see if Luke noticed. Well he did notice.

    "What are you guys doing after school."

    "Skip is just tutoring me. I'm terrible at english."

    I couldn't let Luke know that I was going to go train to fight. After lunch I went to my last few classes. Nothing was really happening, just review for tests i wouldn't have to take because I just transfered. I went into the girls bathroom and changed into yoga pants and a sports bra with a zipped sweatshirt over it.

    I went out of school trying to avoid Luke. I didn't want him to ask me anymore questions that I couldn't answer. I got into my car and drove to the gym. Once I got there I walked in to see a big boxing ring. Inside the ring was Skip boxing with someone else. I knew I cam to the right person, he was good. I dropped my dufflebag on the bench and went into the ring.

    "You ready princess?"


    He threw a pair of boxing blogs and a helmet at me. I put them on and then got into a fighting stance.

    "Well were going to have a practice fight just so I can see what you already know...which probably isn't too much but I'd still like to see."

    He started throwing punches and I dove out of the way. Except as I stood back up Skip did a right hook to the side of my head. I dropped down into a ball screaming, "Don't hurt me I'm sorry!"

    It was such a habit that I didn't even think about it when I did it. I always did that whenever my father hit me and it was second nature. He pulled off his helmet and picked me up. My breathing was heavy but I soon calmed down as Skip handed me a water.

    "Jesus Churst Jul. What happened to you while you were gone? I can't help you unless you tell me."

    That was one of the most difficult decisions of my life. Should I tell Skip the truth or lie to another person I cared about?


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