Chapter Eleven

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    I stared blankly at Skip for what seemed like forever. I was terrified to tell him all the things I've been through. The only person I've told is Bryanna and I was scared to tell her as well. I took a deepbreath and pulled him out of the ring and into a secluded corner.

    "Now this is really hard to explain but I'll try my best to tell you. Well I moved here because of my father. He got caught beating me and so his instinct was to leave the country. So i came here and he still hurt me. He beat me and did worse things...unimaginable things. So he took me away to Sydney when he thought people were onto him. He left me in a windowless room for weeks at a time. And-"

    "That's enough. I get the idea."

    He stormed out of the gym and I saw him get into his car and drive off. I got my dufflebag and exited the gym. I didn't know how he would react but I didn't expect him to get up and leave me. I really did need his help more than anyone.

    I drove home trying to cheer myself up by listening to some upbeat music. But all that was racing through my mind was Skip. I wanted to make sure he wouldn't speak about it to anyone.I parked in the driveway and walked into the door mentally drained. I dropped the bag onto the floor in the coat closet. I made myself a cup of coffee as I sat down at the dining room table with Bryanna. Her parents were away on business for the next few weeks.

    "So I told Skip today...about you know what." I said as I traced the tip of the mug with my index finger.

    "What? Why? Will you tell Luke?"

    "I had to tell him, he's helping me out with something and he insisted that I told him but, he didn't take it well. And I'm not telling Luke, he'll be too upset. I don't know if he could handle it."

    "Well I hate to break it to you but they are all coming over to bring us to a party."

    "I don't know if I'm in the party mood Bryanna."

    "You have to come! You can't stay home by yourself!"

    "Fine. I'll be ready soon."

    I went upstairs and loosely curled my hair and applied the necessary makeup. I wasn't really trying to impress anybody, my mind was occupied by other things. I put on a simple tight black dress with a sleeveless demin vest that I left unbuttoned. I borrowed Bryanna's pair of studded black Jeffrey Cambells and went back downstairs. Bryanna was dressed in a floral dress with nude color heels that looked perfect on her.

   We waited for the boys to arrive and when they did my stomach turned into a knot. Luke came over and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled at him but my eyes turned to Skip as he walked into the doorway. His eyes traveled from the bottom of me to the top. When our eyes met I instantly turned away trying to focus on Luke. 

    We all piled into the car and eventually got to the party. It was being held by a school friend whose parents were away. We walked in and I immeadiatly went for the drink table. I started mixing all different types of vodka I didn't even care what it was. Luke walked up and tapped me on the shoulder.

    "Jeez Luke you scared me."

    "Sorry babe but I gotta go. I have a huge paper I have to hand in tomorrow that I forgot about so I'll see you tomorrow okay?"


    I kissed him goodbye and he ended up leaving with Jai. I walked back to living rooms where the party was in full swing. Something about being drunk made you fearless so I stormed right over to Skip who was talking to a girl. I pulled him away.

    "Why won't you talk to me since this afternoon? I don't get it."

    "I don't know..."

    "Talk to me! Please!"

    "I can't imagine someone hurting you like that! It makes me sick okay?"

    "Why would it make you mad?"

    "Do I need to spell it out for you Jul? I still care about you...I still like you."

    I grabbed him by the wrists and pulled him into one of the bedrooms. I grabbed him shirt and kissed him. He kissed me back and I could smell the alcohol coming off of him. But, I didn't care. I wasn't thinking about anything but Skip. But I hated him, he sent me mixed signals and broke my heart. Except there was something about him that drove me crazy.

    I pulled away from Skip as Bryanna walked in.

    "Oh...I'm sory for barging in but we have to go. Um...uh...I'll be waiting in the car with Beau and James."

    I quickly ran out ashamed by want I just did. I sat silently in the car staring out of the window. As I was about to get out of the car I heard Skip say, "I knew you wanted me."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2012 ⏰

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