
18K 925 77

it was the day before harry's trial and taehyung was nervous he was still doing the report he found an apartment, he was now in his office- it was mid day and it was a busy day.

jungkook and him left to go to work early- tannie is still at home, taehyung installed a camera and checks on the pup now and then to see the pup sleeping on the couch or chasing after his toys.

there were a few calls this morning from harry's lawyer and parents and everything was on track- they knew the other boys who will get arrested if harry gets out and had a plan set in place.

they only thing taehyung needed to do was get everything sorted for harry when he gets out, he had visited harry this morning and told him what is going to happen. taehyung will be in the court room watching and giving statements when needed.

taehyung had organized harry's bestfriend as a witness and taehyung knew it was a huge turning point.

the media found out about the story and he has gotten many emails for interviews but taehyung declined as his main focus is harry and getting him out.

jungkook was in a meeting and taehyung had been in the office most of this morning.

he has a coffee date with jimin and yoongi who he has not seen in a long time- around this time of year is super busy for the office. a lot of crimes and paper work.

taehyung shut off his laptop and walked out of his office shutting the door behind him and walked outside to see yoongi and jimin waiting by his car.

"tae!" jimin called out as he ran to him and hugged him.

"I missed you guys" taehyung said as jimin squeezed him tighter

"we missed you too" jimin said pulling away

"hop in losers" taehyung smiles and they all hop in and drive off.

they arrive at a cafe and walk in, it was not to full so they found a place to sit and grabbed a menu but already knew what they wanted.

they ordered a few hot drinks and snacks and got straight into talking.

"I have heard about harry- that is such great news tae" jimin said

"I know I was so happy to hear he could get out, very pleased" taehyung smiled sipping his hot chocolate.

"dont you have to do a report for his expenses once he leaves the prison?" yoongi asks

"yeah, it is a lot of work but worth it" taehyung smiles.

they chat for a long time about random things and time flew by.

"when should we go?" yoongi asks looking at his watch

"lets grab one more drink before we go" taehyung said as they all nod and order once more.

"how are you and kook?" jimin asks sipping his coffee

"we are good, very happy" taehyung smiles

"he was venting to me this morning about how you took his toothbrush" yoongi said causing taehyung to roll his eyes.

"he is so dramatic" taehyung smiles at the thought of jungkook

"you use to always hide my toothbrush when you stayed at mine" jimin laughed

"you got a thing for toothbrushes?" yoongi asks

"oh my god no" taehyung laughed

"I find it funny watching you all look for things- did you ever find the toothbrush?" taehyung questions

"no" jimin rolls his eyes

"remember the box we made for the time machine that we put in the ground at your mums by her favorite plants?" taehyung said rubbing his neck

"no you didnt" jimin said eyes wide as he looked at taehyung who was holding in his laugh

"ahh yeah" taehyung giggled

"im stopping off at mums after and she is going to be so confused" jimin says laughing a little

yoongi sits there staring at the two and smiles.

"lets get going" yoongi said as they both nod and stand up and head towards the till to pay for their drinks before walking back to taehyung's car and back to the office.

"what happened to nick?" yoongi asked

"jungkook killed him" jimin said laughing when taehyung slapped his shoulder

"he is still there, just through a different department" taehyung pouted when the two laughed.

once they arrived they parted ways and taehyung went back to his office to finish off the files as they needed to be done today.

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