welcome to the team.

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a few days went past and the camp trip was extended a little due to bad weather, so they did not complete any training. 

It was their last day at camp and everyone was packing their things, they left around night to go back to campus  where some parents would pick everyone up or people would drive home. since there class ranged from 18-25 everyone had different lifes. 

some people had to get their parents to pick them up as they might not be able to drive. others had their own cars so people could just drive back to campus. 

but sadly taehyung's parents were not in the picture and he did not have a car. they were planning to play spotlight before they had to leave. it was now dinner and taehyung was sat outside alone again. jimin walked up to him and sat next to him.

"hey tae" jimin says sitting down

"I was worried about you, finding out you were missing in the forest" jimin says shaking his head

"I went to see jin but he said he sent you back to your dorm to rest" jimin says

"are you okay, I heard it was your group?" jimin asks fast to taehyung who nods taking a piece of his bread.

"I am feeling a little better, its still a little sore but I just have to be careful" taehyung replied

"where's yoongi" taehyung says wanting to change the topic.

"setting everything up for spot light with other officers, officers are joining as well" jimin says catching on to taehyung not wanting to talk about it

after the two catched up it was time to play spotlight.

"lets go for a coffee and ice-cream date when we get back!" jimin says and hugs taehyung before they go their separate ways.

taehyung missed jimin a lot it was hard for him to be so far away from jimin but he has been super busy nowadays. taehyung walked to his group and waited for jungkook to say something.

"for tonight's last task you will be put into pairs, you are not allowed to hide in the forest. 3 officers have to try and find everyone they will be the ones with the torches, you will hear a alarm when the game has started" jungkook says and watched people pair up

he turned to taehyung to see him stare at everyone sadly. jungkook felt his heart clench at the sight of taehyung sad.

jungkook walks up to him

"I will be paired up with taehyung, you dont have to stay in your hiding space you can move around, once you have been spotted you stay in the hall. you all have 15 seconds to find a good hiding spot go" jungkook says as everyone runs off.

"come on" jungkook whispers as they walk around trying to find a hiding spot, they see everyone rushing around in pairs

"follow me" jungkooks says knowing where to hide already

taehyung nods following him, it was a little hard to see and it was now super dark outside so he grabbed the back of jungkook's shirt

jungkook felt his heart skip a beat feeling taehyung's hand fisted into his shirt.

jungkook lead taehyung behind a building where there were stairs and a small wall underneath. he goes in first, taehyung following behind.

"the more people they find the more people will be out looking" jungkook whispers

taehyung nods watching people run past from the small gap.

jungkook grabbed his hand crouching down to hide underneath the stairs.

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