"move in with me"

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it was now nearly time to go home and jungkook had just finished doing fitness with the inmates that it was now time for him to shower and go home, taehyung was also still at work and he was waiting for jungkook to finish.

taehyung was looking at adoption centres for yuri but they everyone had such bad reviews, he looked down at the little girl who was laying in his lap playing with his fingers.

taehyung felt tears well up in his eyes thinking that that girl may end up getting treated worse or end up with the same bad family.

jungkook had walked through the office doors to see taehyung crying. he rushed towards him and slowly spun his chair around.

"baby what's wrong?" jungkook asked wiping his tears away

"I cant let her go gguk- she could end up with people who treat her worse, I cant risk it" taehyung said letting more tears out

"you wanna adopt her?" jungkook asks

taehyung nodded and was super scared of jungkook's reaction because having a kid or looking after one is a huge responsibility and he was not sure if they would be ready to be parents.

jungkook smiled and pecked his lips "like I said with tannie, I will not leave and we will get through this together" jungkook replied as taehyung smiled and looked at the little girl

"time for another shopping trip, lets go" jungkook said as taehyung nodded and stood up- jungkook helped taehyung pack his work stuff and brung it to the car.

yuri was still on taehyung's lap as the drove to a shop, they really needed to get a car seat.

jungkook parked close to the shop, it was already getting pretty dark and yuri is now apart of his life so he needs to protect her.

they walked into the shop and jungkook grabbed the shopping cart as he pushed it around while taehyung was holding yuri who was still awake but was quiet.

"okay so what do we need" jungkook said

"car seat, baby food, clothes, nappies, wipes and toys" taehyung said as they looked for a car seat first

"this one looks good" jungkook said looking at the pink car seat

"awh thats so cute put it in" taehyung said

"did you wanna try put yuri in the little seat" jungkook said pointing to the cart that had a little sitting bit for babies

taehyung nodded agreeing that it would make it easier so he can go and grab stuff, he placed her down gently and she smiled while looking at jungkook who tickled her sides- she giggled while playing with his fingers.

"I will go grab bath products" taehyung said rushing out of the aisle

"I think someone is a little excited, welcome to the family yuri" jungkook said smiling when he made little noises while clapping her hands

minutes later taehyung came back with bath products, food and dummies- also diapers and wipes.

"whats next" jungkook said pushing the cart

"we need to get her clothes" taehyung said

"a lot of it"

they walked into the baby clothes section and headed towards the girls clothes

"this is so cute" taehyung said holding up a onsie

"put it in" jungkook said as they grabbed a lot of clothes for yuri sleepwear and day clothes.

they were now in the toy area where they let yuri pick her toys, how they did this was jungkook carried her and showed her the toys placing them in her hand when she giggled and threw it around they but it in the cart.

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