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taehyung was now at home, it was a very long day at work and he was super tired. he had already had dinner and was now feeding tannie his food.

the brunette sat down on the couch and looked up at the ceiling and sighed- he misses the company of jungkook, he sometimes felt super bad for feeling this way cause it was his choice to move out of jungkook's home.

but he did not think he would miss jungkook this much, coming to think of it taehyung has been thinking about jungkook a lot lately- they have been doing so well and things feel awesome but taehyung feels a little empty.

taehyung's phone buzzes meaning someone is calling him, he reaches for his phone and answers it.

"hello?" taehyung says closing his eyes

"hey tae" jimin says from the other line

"hey chim, whats up?" taehyung asks

"nothing much I have been so busy lately and wanted to call you" jimin says causing taehyung to smile

"what have you been up to?" taehyung asks

"nothing much, how about you?" jimin asks

"same, how are you and yoongi?" taehyung questions

"we are great, we had gone on a date before but now he is asleep- how about you and kook?" jimin asks

"we are okay" taehyung says

"you dont seem very convincing" jimin hums

"we are fine, it is just we dont live together anymore and it is a little hard not seeing him or being around him" taehyung sighs

"why dont you ask him if he can move in with you?" jimin asks

"I would but I moved out of his house because I wanted to own my own home and feel safe but I do feel safe but I now feel empty without jungkook" taehyung says

"have you talked to him about this"

"no- I want to but I just dont know how he would react" taehyung says

"have you guys had sex?" jimin asks which causes taehyung's face to go read

"a-ah n-no we h-havent" taehyung stutters

"have you guys done any sexual stuff?" jimin asks

taehyung lays there and thinks for a moment

"yeah when we first met we made out and touched each other. we have seen each other naked but never had sex" taehyung says blushing at the thought

"how long has it been" jimin asks

"maybe like 2 weeks before the holiday we went on" taehyung says

"that was awhile ago" jimin says

"do you ever feel like there is sexual tension?" jimin asks

"I never really thought about it" taehyung hums

"oh tae I have to go but I will talk to you later, yoongi is throwing up" jimin says slightly worried

"oh no, message me to let me know he is okay!" taehyung said

they said their goodbyes and hung up the phone, taehyung stood up to check on tannie to see he was on his mat asleep.

taehyung smiled and quickly rushed upstairs to get changed, he had silk shorts and a top that were both red that he placed on his bed.

he looked through his underwear draw and blushed when he saw the black lace panties jimin had got him the other day as a house warming gift.

'such a weirdo' taehyung thought but decided to try them on already thinkin they weren't going to be comfortable.

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