Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Note : The conversations written in italic were the conversations they had in the past.

It was in the beginning of June. The sky was painted in light blue and it was as clear as a Summer sky could be. Rachel sat at the white wooden swings in the backyard alone. Sitting there at the house she grew up in, brought back tons of memories, the good one and the bad one. In this very house, she took her first step, said her first word, and learned how to bike for the first time. In this house she spent her nights talking to Monica about her crush, her first kiss, and how her heart got broken by a guy.

It was the place where her dad had told her that it was okay to fall when she learnt how to bike for the first time. The place where she had to explain to her dad the reasons why she ran away from her wedding. The place where they fought countless times because he tried to take control of her life. The place where he finally told her that he was proud of her for making it on her own. The place where countless 'I love yous', hugs, and kisses were shared between her and her dad.

It was filled with so much memories and love.

It was her first home and it would never be the same without him in it.

She wiped her tears that kept falling from her eyes as memories played in her mind like a movie. A certain memory, however, managed to put a small smile on her face.

It was a few weeks after she had given birth to Emma when she decided to visit her dad. The look on her dad's face when he saw Emma for the first time was priceless. Despite his initial disappointment about the pregnancy, the moment he laid his eyes on his granddaughter, it changed everything. He fell in love with Emma in a heartbeat. It was a very touching moment for her, that she remembered the whole scene vividly. It was undoubtedly one of many memories she dearly treasured in her heart.

Now, she would never see him again and Emma would never see her grandpa again.

She missed him already.

She missed his smile, his laugh, his smell, his voice, his face, how he called her as 'sweet pea', how he treated her like a little girl even though she already became a mother herself, she even missed the look on his face whenever he was angry about something. She missed everything about him.

She missed her daddy.

"Hey.." A soft voice brought her back from her reverie. "You okay?"

She looked up and found Ross standing in front of her.

She tapped an empty spot beside her, motioned him to join her. As soon as he sat next to her, she rested her head into his chest and closed her eyes, whilst his left arm rested securely on her shoulder.

He placed a few kisses on top of her hair. "I'm going to be by your side the whole time." He softly said.

"Thank you." she whispered.

It had been a day since they found out about Leonard's death and ever since that, Rachel was being extremely quiet, except for when Emma talked to her. She was trying her best to conceal her sadness in front of her daughter. Other than that, she barely spoke a word, not even to him.

She was mourning.

But what Ross feared was that she wasn't letting him in and helped her get through her grief. Every time he saw her like this, it was almost if someone was trying to rip his heart apart. She was struggling and she was in pain. She was heartbroken, and he didn't know how to fix her or how to take her pain away.

The only thing he knew he had to do was to be there for her throughout the whole process. No matter how much she would try to shut him down, he was determined that he would be there beside her, until finally she could let him in.

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