Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Note : The conversations written in italic were the conversations they had in the past.

The 4th of July

After waking up from a nap, Rachel found Chandler sitting on the floor in their living room, playing with Emma. Meanwhile, Ross was nowhere to be seen.

"What are you doing here?" Rachel questioned Chandler as she took a seat at the armchair.

"To take this little girl to visit her cousins." Chandler said.

Just then, Ross walked into the room. "Hey, you woke up." Ross said with a smile.

Rachel crossed her arms on her chest, ready to give Ross an earful for not telling her beforehand that Chandler was going to pick Emma up. "Care to explain why Chandler is here to take my baby to his house?"

He gave her a kiss on top of her hair and smiled, "I ask them for a favor." He started as he gently brushed her hair. "I want to take you somewhere."

"Still, I'd appreciate it if you discuss it with me beforehand."

"I know and I'm sorry" He began. "But I just want to give you a surprise."

Her face softened and she let out a warm smile. It was impossible for her to stay mad at him whenever he was being so sweet to her. After all, she knew he was just trying to cheer her up after the death of her father. Ross had been really patient and caring with her after the incident. Having him by her side during this tough time was definitely something she was thankful for.

"Okay, kiddo." Chandler said as he stood up from the floor and took Emma on his right arm and her bag on his other arms. "We better get going now or else we'll get caught in the traffic."

Ross gave her daughter a kiss before opening the door for them, "Be a nice girl to your aunt and uncle, okay?"

Emma smiled and nodded, "Okay, daddy."

"Come here." Rachel said as she approached them. "Give mommy a kiss."

The little girl did what she was told to do and gave her mom a wet kiss on her cheeks. "Bye bye mommy."

"Bye bye baby girl." Rachel gave her daughter a kiss on her forehead before turning her attention to Chandler, "Thank you for taking care of her. And tell Monica and the twins I miss them."

"Sure." Chandler said to Rachel before averting his attention to Ross. "And good luck to you." He added a knowing wink and Ross smiled.

With that, Chandler and Emma left the apartment and headed toward Westchester.

"What was that about?" Rachel asked as he closed the door behind them.

"Nothing." He pulled her closer and gave her a soft lingering kiss on her lips before slapping her butt playfully. "Now, go get ready. We're leaving in an hour."

About an hour and a half later, they were driving toward Long Island, much to Rachel's surprise.

"We're going to Long Island?" She asked him as they passed a sign indicating that they were now entering the Long Island Expressway. "Are we going to see the house again?"

It had been about a week since they decided to move to Long Island. Just yesterday, they went to their new house with Emma and Ben to show their kids the new house they'd be living in. Both Emma and Ben, as they had expected, loved it. Much to Ben's pleasure, the house had a huge backyard he could play soccer in. For Emma, the thought of having a room for herself was enough to make the little girl happy. Sharing a room with a boy was something she started to hate these days.

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