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Warm steady breaths tickling her neck and a pair of strong arms draping protectively over her middle were what she noticed first when Rachel had woken up that morning. She smiled and she let out a satisfied sigh knowing those very arms belonged to none other than her husband of ten years.

Ten years.

Times surely flew.

Sometimes she found it hard to believe that they’d finally be here, ten years into their marriage and their relationship was stronger than ever. It certainly wasn’t an easy journey - especially when they went through a rough patch about five years ago. But in the end, against all odds, they made it through. Ten years, she had become his wife of ten years and even to this day it sometimes still felt surreal. Approximately ten years ago, they had promised their love to each other in front of their closest family and friends in a wonderful ceremony. Ten years ago, she officially became Mrs. Ross Geller and until today, it remained as the happiest days of her lives - together with the days when each of their children were born.

She just couldn’t believe how lucky she was sometimes.

“Hmmm.. Good morning.” She heard him whisper, his voice was still raspy from sleep but she smiled nonetheless. “What time is it?”

“Morning.” She turned around to face him, giving him a soft kiss on his lips. She then let out a sigh, feeling nothing but contempt to be waking up on a lazy morning with her husband in her arms. “Almost eight.” She said, glancing at the clock on the bedside table. “-we have precisely ten full minutes before our day officially begins.”

He raised his eyebrow knowingly, letting out a smirk as he did so. “Ten minutes, huh?” He moved around that so now he was hovering over her, making her giggle in the process. She ran her hands through his waist as he leaned in to kiss her - deeply this time. “I can work with ten minutes.” She raised an eyebrow and was about to make a comment when suddenly they heard a commotion outside their bedroom door followed by loud sobs from their youngest.

He let out a sigh, stealing another kiss from her before he plopped himself back next to her. He brought her closer to cuddle with him, not wanting to end this blissful morning he had with his wife just yet.  “Ignore it.” His voice was muffled as he groaned against her hair, snuggling closer to his wife. “They’ll quiet down eventually.”

She laughed again at his comment. She wanted nothing but to stay in bed with her husband, but their three children certainly wouldn't let them have it. Just like she predicted, the crying was getting louder by seconds. From their bedroom they could hear their youngest and the other two siblings engaged in a screaming match.

“Mommy!!!!” Rachel heard her baby cry for her and she knew it was her cue to interfere with whatever was happening outside their room before it escalated to something ugly.

“You know honey, I like your optimism, but I’m afraid your children didn’t agree with you.” She kissed him again, briefly, before she eventually untangled herself from his grip and got off from the bed.

Ross watched his wife put on a robe and he sighed, defeated. It looked like they didn’t have any choice but to start their day earlier today. Don’t take it wrong, he loved their children more than anything in this world. Each of them were his everything, he’d literally traded his life for his family, but last night was the first night in forever since they had their date night. Their children and their respective jobs didn’t allow them to have much quality time together, so a night like last night was extra special.

He went all out last night, not even forgetting to give her a bouquet of white lilies - her favorite - like he always did for the past decade. He remembered the huge smile on her face when she smelled the flowers and thanked him with a kiss. He then took her to their favorite French restaurant where they talked, flirted, and even teased each other during the dinner. Ross found it hard to keep his hands to himself throughout the dinner, making her giggle out loud from his impatience. She had to swat his hands a few times after he was trying to feel her up in the middle of a busy restaurant, earning a displeased look from the waitress. She was almost sure that her husband would jump her before the dessert was even served and pretty much convinced they would be blacklisted from the restaurant after last night, but she didn’t mind. She loved the fact that the fire between them hadn’t died down even after ten years of marriage - even when her friends and family had warned them otherwise. If it was possible , she loved the man she married ten years ago more and more each day - and she was pretty sure he did too.

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