Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

It was just like another typical Saturday morning in the Gellers house. After sharing a breakfast together with the family, Rachel put Emma back for a nap whilst her husband was still in the kitchen, working on his paper.

Marriage life had been treating him really well so far. It made him remember the reason why he used to be desperate to get married. He almost chuckled when he remembered around twelve years ago, he told his friends that all he wanted was just to be married again and just like that, she was bursting into the door, drenched in rain on her wedding dress.

Call that a fate or just a plain coincidence. But after that day, Ross Geller, the man who never really believed in fate before, started to believe in them.

That day, he even remembered he thought to himself.

“Someday, Ross. Someday, you’re going to marry Rachel Green.”

And after twelve years, and after some twisted fate they got into, he finally did.

He married the Rachel Green.

He always loved marriage, he did, but what he didn’t know was how much he loved being married to her. How much he loved waking up next to her, how much he loved hearing her introduce himself as her husband. Oh, boy, it gave him butterflies every single time when she called him that.

He thought marrying Rachel wouldn’t change much since they were already living together for the past two years, but he was wrong. He didn’t know how to explain it, but there were these feelings he hadn’t had before whenever he saw her, whenever he was with her, whenever he thought about her, whenever he talked about her. It was just, different..

It was as if there’s this feeling of pride, knowing out of all the people, she had chosen him to spend the rest of her life with. A feeling of comfort, knowing she would always be with him through thick and thin. A feeling of relief, a huge amount of relief, knowing  he had finally found and married the one his heart always desired.

He was just so overwhelmed with all of these beautiful feelings, he even forgot the last time he was feeling so low.

His life had never been better.

Ross took a sip of his coffee whilst he continued to do his work. Today was a fairly quiet day and at times like this made him realize how great it was to live in the suburbs. Instead of hearing noises from the traffic, he got to enjoy hearing birds singing through his window every morning.

It was just so peaceful and tranquil, everything he needed on a Saturday morning.

“Look what came in the mail today!!” Rachel ecstatically entered the kitchen with a freshly delivered mail in her hands. Ross, who was previously occupied with his laptop, watched her with an amuse look, wondering what made her so excited. “It’s our wedding photos!”

She quickly took a knife and opened the package, revealing the contents inside it after. They both took turns to see all the pictures taken roughly a month ago, on their wedding day. Huge smiles never left their face as they talked about the moments captured in those photographs. There was this one picture of Monica and Chandler that caught her attention. They were dancing in the midst of the crowds, completely oblivious to the other people except for them. Rachel made a mental note to make a copy of it and sent it to her sister-in-law. They looked so happy together.

There was another picture of Joey and Phoebe, the dynamic duo of the group. Joey was smiling happily at Phoebe’s baby daughter, Lily, and it looked like he was trying to make the six months old baby laugh. Rachel's eyes were glued at Lily, she was so beautiful, just like her mother. Her hair was blonde but she had Mike’s eyes.

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