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Oh hot damn this is my jam bluhblujbluh till the am I don't understand make me wanna throw my hands in the air a-air a-a-air

If u type in Daryl Dixon in the search bar thingy my story is dude at least it's up there woo oh


"Okay, Me and Daryl will lead while Glenn, Tdog and Dean cover the back. Everyone else stay in the middle. Keep your guard up and and stay quite." Rick said as we assembled formation and prepared to enter the tombs.

Rick nodded to Carl and he opened the door, we all rushed in quietly. I walked in between Rider and Maggie, behind me was Hershel and Sam, then Tdog, Glenn and Dean. We all kept over weapons out in front of us, ready to kill anything that passed us. We tiptoed down the twisty hallways, stopping at each corner so Glenn could spray paint an arrow on the wall to help us get back. Each time the can rattled i silently cursed it out, being the only sound in the dark tombs.

We rounded another corner, Rick leading us through the death hallway. We shined our flashlights into the darkness, occasionally seeing a blood stain on the wall or a dead Walker on the floor. The rattling of Glenn's spray paint made me jump out of my skin and grab onto Riders fore arm aggressively. He winced and i silently apologized.

We walked for a few more yards in silence, and we could hear them...The groans.

Rick turned to us and pushed his finger to his lips. He continued forwards when the shadows of the undead danced on the cement walls. We focused our flashlights in the ceiling, to his ourselves from the walkers. They came at us anyway, and we killed them in an orderly fashion.

We thought we had it under control, but everything started to spiral. Another herd pressed through and the group for split in half. I looked around at who I was stuck with and I saw everyone but Maggie, Glenn, Rider and Sam.

"SAM!" Dean whisper shouted in the opposite direction. We shushed him and started to look around for our missing members.

I looked to Daryl pleadingly and he tiptoed over to me.

"We'll find him" He assured me in a hushed tone. I nodded my head, but I didn't fully believe him. This is my best friend, my brother and he's gone. He's lost. I couldn't take it.

"Miles Rid-!" I started to scream as a hand clamped over my mouth and shoved me against a wall. I closed my eyes and a single tear fell. I opened my eyes to be met with Daryl's beautiful blue ones. He looked at me with sympathy and concern as he gently removed his hand and placed it on the wall next to my head.

I closed my eyes again and took a deep breath. I wiped the stray tear and gave Daryl a kiss on the lips before squirming out of his grasp and strutting down the tomb.

I heard the footsteps behind me as my group followed.

"Maggie!" Hershel called in a hushed tone.

"Daddy.." Her faded voice echoed throughout the tomb. Hershel went in the direction of her voice, and in the process stepped over a dead Walker.

At least we thought it was dead.

The Walker awoke and grabbed his calf. It dug its teeth into his leg and took out a huge chomp of muscle and skin. He let out an ear piercing scream as I ran forward and lodged my pipe in its head.

"Daddy!" Maggie sobbed when she ran around a corner and at her bleeding father. She ran in our direction with Sam, Glenn and Rider close behind. Rider was losing the color in his face and he was dragging his feet, as am I. Dean ran to Sam and they gave each other a nod before turning back to fighting mode and standing back to back.

"Oh god.." I moaned as Rick and Daryl picked him up and dragged him down the hallway. I led the group through the tombs when we were cut off my a herd.
"Turn around!" I yelled and shooting down a handful I walkers. The group readjusted Hershel and carried him in a different direction.

We came to a stop at a set of doors locked with a chain. I tugged in the handle and wasn't surprised when it didn't budge. I even tried kicking is when Daryl ran up and grabbed me by the waist, tugging me behind him.

"Stand back!" Tdog said as he shot at the padlock and kicked the doors open. We dove into the cafeteria and laid Hershel on the floor.

I searched the group for Rider when I spotted him holding his bloody arm and groaning quietly.

nonononononono NONO

"MILES!" I yelled when I saw the teeth imprint on his wrist, the the blood flowing onto the ground.


Daryl's POV

I was pushing as hard as I could on the door to keep in closed. My feet were slipping and the only thing keeping me from completely collapsing was the sound of Hershel's moans as they amputated his leg, and Alyx and Maggie's soft cries as they watched.

She's usually tougher then this and it looks like Hershel's gonna survive, what's she crying at?

"T!" I yelled at Tdog and in a second he was by my side, helping me keep the door shut.

"Step back" I warned and opened the door, releasing a few walkers into the confined space. I took down 2 and Tdog took down the last. I looked back at the group and Hershel's leg was clean off...Along with Riders forearm.


I know this is extremely short but I really wanted to make it a cliff hanger I'm sorry.

1) will Rider survive?

2) I'm gonna start calling him Miles more idk it sound nice

3) Sam & Dean brotherly love, How are you liking them?

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