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"The housing facilities are powered down so you'll have to make do here, Theres a bed and a couch in each room. There are only 7 rooms so you'll have to double up. There's a reck room down the hall you kids might enjoy, just don't plug in the video games or anything that draws power. And go easy on the hot water" Jenner informed as he lead us to the sleeping headquarters.

"Hot water?" Glenn questioned.

"That's what the man said" Tdog said. I turned to Rider to see if he wanted to share a room but he was ready bunking with Glenn. I sighed and looked around for someone else to partner up with. They only options were Shane, Dale or Daryl, No way Shane and being with Dale would be weird so... fuck. I groaned and turned to walk to Daryl's room when I ran into another brick wall. Who was putting these here? Whoops, its daryl...again.

"You need a partner?" he asked. I sighed and noddded. He took my hand in his and lead me into the room. There was one one cot and a couch. I mumbled another fuck. I Love Daryl, he was my best friend, but he is such an asshole and I don't want to get into a relationship like that right now. I ran to the bed and leaped onto it. I bounced on my back and laughed as I sprung up and down. Daryl soon joined me and landed to my right with a loud bang. We were both laughing and rolling around while the bed creaked. On accident, I rolled over onto him. My chin was propped on his chest and my legs where as his sides. He smirked down at me pulled my legs closer to him. Part of me wanted to pull away but the other part really didn't want to.

I lifted my head up slightly and he tilted his down. Out faces were inches apart, I could feel his hot breath on my face. I got so close to him that out lips where barely touching. I smirked and closed my eyes as he did the same. I quickly hopped up of him and ran to the bathroom door. I shut the door behind me and sighed happily. He groaned and pushed himself off the bed. He stomped over to the door and banged on it twice.

"That wasn't funny!" he growled.

"It was kinda funny!' I playfully shouted back.He banged on the door again, groaning. I unlocked the door and slipped my head through to look at him. his eyes were bright and full of passion. He looked at me and smirked. I caught his lips with mine for a quick second before pulling away. I laughed evilly and slammed the door in his face.

"That's all you get for now!" I shouted as I turned the hot water on. The burning liquid hit my skin and left red marks. I didn't mind that I was being disintegrated, I enjoyed the hot water. I used shampoo and conditioner, shaved my legs, washed the sweat and grime of my body and just stood in the water thinking. A banging at the door smacked me out of my faze. I jumped out of the shower and threw a towel around me. I unlocked the door to be met with a very angry daryl.

"What's wrong baby?" I sarcastically asked. He scoffed as lightly pushed me out of the doorway. He slammed the door shut and took his own shower. I got dressed in black sweatpants and a white t-shirt, my hair in a messy bun. Daryl came strutting out of the bathroom minutes later. His hair was dripping down his face and he had a towel wrapped spring his waist, exposing his bare chest.

"Oh, stop it and put clothes on" I ordered. He shook his head and jumped onto the bed again. He landed on his back with his hands behind his head. I stared at him for a few seconds before rolling my eyes and grabbing his bag. He sat up on his elbows to look what I was doing. As soon as he could see me I chucked the bag at his head, he fell back down and rolled of the bed.

"That wasn't funny" he mumbled as I laughed.

"It was kinda funny" I joked as I slightly opened the door.

"I'm going to the Rec room" I informed as I began down the long hallway. I came to the rec room to hear loud music playing and to see some of the group dancing. Everyone was In here except Shane, Dale, Daryl and Andrea. I poured myself another glass of wine before dancing my way over to Glenn, drunkly. He was obviously wasted and stumbled around like a walker. He lost his footing at bumped into a bookshelf causing a few books to fall from it.

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