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Alyx's POV

I woke up, tangled in the bed sheets and alone. Daryl wasn't next to me which got me a little worried but when I checked my watch, I realized it was almost noon. I quickly jumped out of bed and got dressed. I walked out of my cell and down to the common area where I found that nobody was in here.

"What the hell?" I mumbled, looking around for any sign of human life. I wandered outside and saw that Beth, Riley, Carl, Lori and Hershel were all sitting on the bleachers.

"Hey guys!" I waved to them, making my way over and plopping next to Carl.

"Good afternoon, Sunshine" Riley teased causing me to flick her forehead.

"Hershel you're looking good, ready to start running?" I joked. He chuckled and readjusted his crutches.

"Give me a day or two, I'll race you" he joked back. My gaze drifted to the outer field where Rick, Glenn, Dean, Sam, and Daryl were gathering fire wood from outside.

"Where's Miles?" I asked Carl who pointed to the right. Carol, Maggie, Tdog and Miles were moving around the cars.

"He should be resting" I said to no one in particular. Hershel nodded from my side and patted my back.

"Yeah he should, we told him but he is one stubborn boy" He chuckled as I did with him.

I looked out to the men on the perimeter and found who I was looking for. Me and Daryl's eyes connected and he smirked to me. I blushed and looked down, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"WALKERS!" Carl yelled and my hand instantly flew to my holster where I pulled out my pistol and immediately started firing.

"Lori! Carl!" Rick yelled as he and the other guys ran to us. Maggie pulled Carl and Lori into the Prison while Riley, Beth and Hershel went up some stairs and into a fenced off area.

"Where are they coming from?" I asked Tdog, Carol and Miles, who ran over to me.

"Over there!" T said, pointing to a gate that was opened. He and Carol ran straight at it, firing at walkers in their path and stabbing the ones that were too close. I shot a few more before grabbing Miles only hand and dragging him in a different direction then the corpse.

"Alyx! Get outta there!" Daryl yelled as he impatiently waited behind Rick, unlocking the gates that were in their way. I looked to him and nodded, pulling Miles away from the walkers and into the prison.

"Over there" Miles said as he pointed at an open cell that we could run too without being eaten alive. We ran to it and I closed it behind us. The walkers chased after us and banged on the metal bars, begging to get in.

A loud, echoing siren started playing throughout the prison.

"What the hell is that?" I yelled at Miles, who shrugged and covered his ears.

We backed as far away from the door as we could and waited for any help. There was about a dozen walkers shoving their arms in between the bars and flashing us with their decaying teeth. I walked towards them and grabbed one of their arms, pulling hard and leaning forward to stab it in the temple.

"That could work" Miles said as he stood up and repeated my process. We killed about 2/3s of them when Daryl and Dean came barging in.

"Over here!" I yelled and their heads both snapped in our direction. They quickly killed the remaining walkers and looked at us with shocked faces. They worked together to drag the bodies out of the way and open the door.

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