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So I'm trying out 3rd person point of view writing tell me if u like it


"Is she gone yet?" Alyx's usually rough and demanding voice was soft and quiet. She sat comfortably in the corner of her cell bunk bed, legs bent and pulled to her chest. A new book open in her lap, "Evermore" by Alyson Noël.

Daryl stood by the entrance, using one arm to support himself against the door frame. He tilted his head, raised an eyebrow and blew out puff of air.

"Lef' a few mins' ago." Daryl announced, taking a seat at the end of the uncomfortable bed. He rested his elbows on his knees, head in his hands. Alyx bent the edge of the page she was on, and closed the book.

"You okay?" Alyx asked, crawling towards Daryl and sitting on her knees beside him. He rubbed his eyes and nodded. By the look on his face, Alyx could tell something was wrong. His eyebrows were furrowed, lips curled down and body stiff.

She raised her eyebrows, not believing him. He sighed and leaned his back against the wall.

"Jus' stressed, tha's all. 'M good." He said. Alyx wrapped her arm around his shoulder and played with the ends of his brown hair.

"What do you thinks gonna happen? With the governor and all." She asked, staring at his face, taking in every detail she could see. The only light source was the moon shining in from the barred window, which didn't give much.

"He's gonna do somethin' bad. He's gonna take somethin' or someone. He'll probably try an' attack us." Daryl answered. He turned and looked at Alyx, first at her eyes and then down to her lips.

"Do you think Andrea can help?" She questioned, scooting closer to the redneck beside her. He scoffed and shook his head.

"Nuh uh. She'll try, an' he'll shoot 'er down. Was never a good plan." He leaned his head back against the wall and stared up at the ceiling. "She's gonna get 'erself killed. An' then all of us." 

Alyx let out a soft hum and rested her head on her shoulder. "We'll be okay." She said softly. She said this is for the benefit of both of them. Neither really believing it though.

"Let's go to sleep." She suggested, earning a quiet grunt and nod from the tired Daryl beside her. She kicked off her boots, as did Daryl, and the crawled underneath the blankets together.

He laid his head down on her chest, instead of how they usually do it reversed. He found it comforting, while Alyx enjoyed the warmness he seemed to radiate.

"I love you." She said.

"I love ye." He replied.


Alyx woke with a start. She had a horrible dream, but couldn't seem to remember what it was about. The only thing remembered were four words.

I can show you

The two words held much meaning, but Alyx didn't know it. She rubbed her eyes and gently moved Daryl's arm from her body. She sat up, stared into space for a few seconds before getting up and walking out of the room.

The cells were dark and quiet, everyone still sleeping soundly. She tiptoed down the stairs, making quiet creaks and silently cursing every time she did so.

She got into the common room without waking anyone and sat at one of the tables.

"Why are you up?" She heard a voice ask. Alyx looked up and saw her younger brother seated a few feet away.

"Couldn't get back to bed. You?" She asked Grayson. He sighed and took a sip of water from the cup in his hand.

"Ethan was kicking in his sleep and it was really annoying." He said. Alyx let out a soft chuckled and stood up from her seat. He nodded his head in her direction, telling her to take a seat next to him.

She did so, laying her head against the younger ones shoulder.

"Are you scared? Of the governor?" He timidly asked. She looked deep into his dark brown eyes, which resembled her own.

"No. He can't do much unless we are scared. He's like dad. He'll use our weaknesses against us. Don't let him scare you. Everyone in this group is your family, we will protect each other. We will be okay." She said, rubbing his back lightly. He nodded his head and let out a buff of air.

"Ethan can't do it anymore." Gray said, mentioning his twin brother.

"Do what?" Alyx questioned, tilting her head to the side.

"Survive. This is all too much for him to handle. I'm trying to keep him safe, keep him alive. But I don't know if I can do it much longer. He's weak, he needs to be strong. Like us."

"Grayson. Ethan is strong. He is a different kind of strong. You're physically strong, which keeps you alive, but he's mentally strong. That will keep him alive." Grayson nodded again and looked at the cup of water in his hands.

"He doesn't know." Gray said.

"Know what?"

"About dad. About how he was sick and twisted and liked to be the biggest asshole of a father."

"He doesn't know?" Gray shook his head.

"If Ethan did something bad, I would take the blame. I would tell him to go outside while dad did it. I wanted to make sure he never had to experience what we did." A tear rolled down his cheek as he spoke about his father. "Every time. Every single time. He called me a coward and useless. I was trying to save Ethan! But dad just kept saying it. He would give me double the beatings if I protected Ethan. He told me that Ethan would grow up to be a baby and never know how to take care of himself. Know Ethan's gonna die because I didn't teach him how to live."

"None of anything he had ever said to you is true. He was manipulative and sinister. He was a drunken bastard who didn't give a shit about his kids. I swear Gray, nothing he has ever said to you, will ever be true."



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