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Alyx's POV

I didn't want to leave my cell. I didn't want to see or talk to anyone. I just wanted everyone to leave me alone so I can be sad in peace.

Many different members of the group came up to me to bring me food or water. They slid a tray towards me and I would retrieve it after they left. I wrapped myself up in blanket and rested my head on my pillow.

My whole body hurt to much to move. I was suffering and Daryl caused it. I love him and he did this to me. Does he love me back?

"Alyx, you need to eat" Grayson said as he walked into my cell with a tray of food.

"I'm not hungry" I lied and covered my head with my blanket. My stomach growled, loudly.

"I know you're lying" He said, chuckling. I ignored him and buried my face deeper into my pillow. "He's not worth it"

"What?" I lifted my head and glared at him.

"Daryl. He isn't worth this, all this crying and hiding away. You should let him go. Hell, you should be mad at him for leaving" He said, sitting down on the bed next to me. "Do you love him?"

"Yes!" I snapped.

"Does he love you?" He asked. I didn't answer because I didn't know the answer. I used to think he did, but now, I'm not sure. He wouldn't leave someone he loves, right? He loves Merle and he is with him right now.

Grayson could sense how unsure I was. He rubbed the back of his neck and scooted closer to me. He quietly leaned over and planted a kiss on my forehead before getting up and leaving the cell.

I groaned and threw the blankets covering me to the ground. I marched out the cell and downstairs. I could tell everyone was surprised to see me up and moving but I ignored their stares.

"Where are you going?" Dean asked as I grabbed a sniper rifle and a machete from the table.

"Out" I muttered angrily, stomping out of the cell block. Axel opened the first gate for me and then Glenn did the main one.

"Are you coming back?" Glenn asked, his voice shaky and unsure. I didn't verbally answer, but I gave him a small nod and stalked into the woods in my own.

A small herd of walkers was stumbling towards me after I walked for about a mile.

"He isn't worth this" I muttered, tears escaping my eyes as I ran towards the walkers.

"He isn't worth this" I said again, pulling out my rifle and aiming at one of there heads. I pulled the trigger and watched the brains and blood escape the walkers head.

"He isn't worth this" I repeated, shooting down 2 more walkers. I pulled out my machete and sliced through the heads of a few walkers. I kicked one down by its leg and stomped on its head while shooting down another. I ran towards one and jumped in the air, harshly bringing down my machete on its decaying skull.

I finished off the last few walkers and sat on the ground with them around me. I folded my legs and let more tears fall from my pale face as I repeatedly stabbed the dirt beneath me.

Yes he is

The stupid, asshole redneck I fell in love with was worth every second of pain and sadness. I can't stop loving him so I all I have to do is wait for him to love me back. At least come back...

After a few more hours of staring off into space and absentmindedly playing my my machete, I heard rapid gunfire coming from the prison. I jumped up and sprinted in the direction of the prison nonstop.

There were unfamiliar trucks surrounding the gates with rifles, shooting at my group.

I snuck up behind one man and held his head back by his hair. In one swift motion, I snapped his neck and stole his gun. I jumped into one of the cars and killed the driver with my machete. There was a pile of grenades and other explosives in the back seat of the car that could come in handy. I took a couple grenades and hooked them to my pants securely.

I got out of the car and shot down a few more men and women on the opposing group. I continued to shoot down people while honking the car horn with my foot.

Many of the nearby enemies heads turned towards me with there guns raised. I unhooked a grenade and threw it in their direction, earning screams of terror.

I ran far away from the on coming explosion and ducked behind a tree. The car blew up and killed several men and women.

I was bragged harshly by a mystery man from behind. He leaned close to my ear and whispered words I never wanted to hear.

"How's my daughter doing?"

I pushed his arm up and brought my elbow down on his stomach. He bent over in pain and coughed up some blood. I faced him and kicked him square in the jaw, knocking him out cold.

A bullet was shot in my direction and I looked over in the direction it smell from. A tall man with an eyepatch was shooting directly at me. I ran as far away from the rest of the men and women as I could. In the distance I saw my group in the prison yard, shooting at the opposing group with the little ammo we had.

Those bastards smashed through our gates and let dozens of walkers into the field.

As I was making my way around the gates to go into prison through a back entrance, I thought about the man who claimed to be my father. He looked a lot older then I remembered, but he had the same devilish grin and hateful eyes.

It really was him.

It was my father.


Whoa whoa whoa

Short chapter, I know

1) How will everyone react to Alyxs Father?

2) What should his first name be? I haven't decided

3) What will gray and Ethan think of their fathers return?

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