One night p2

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( I'm gonna start doing POV's)

Veronica's POV

I am freaking out because I just told Archie that I have feelings for him and he hasn't said a word since. I was just about to head out when I heard Archie said "Ronnie I have feelings for you too" I was so happy and I was just in the moment and I kissed him and he kissed me back with passion.  Let's just say that between us that was amazing. I went home with Archie (this is after school) and as usual my mum wasn't here because she is trying to bail out daddy.

Archie POV

Ronnie just told me she has feelings for me and I am so happy because I've had a crush on her for  a while now. She just kissed me and I kissed her back with love because I love her. After school we went to Ronnie's house but per usual no one was there. We kissed and one thing led to another. Let's just say that it was amazing. I told mum that I was staying at Ronnie's for the night and she wasn't happy but she allowed me too.  Ronnie is the sweetest person ever and I never want to lose her. We are very opposite but as they say opposites attract. Ronnie is the nerdy gal and I'm more of the badass boy.

Ronnie's POV

I am hoping that me and Archie will go on a date but first I need to see what he says about me. "Arch do you love me?" and his reply was "Ronnie I've loved you since the day I met you will you go on a date with me?" I was mentally squealing in my head and I just couldn't express my words. " y yeah I would go w with you where are we going to eat?" "That it for you to choose Ronnie" "let's go to pops then" "alright let's get ready then"

Archies POV

Ronnie asked me if I love her and of course I do. "Ronnie I've loved you since the day I met you. Will you go on a date with me Ronnie" I was thinking that she wouldn't because I'm not the best behaved when it comes to girls but when I'm with Ronnie it change. " y yes I would go w with you where are we gong to eat?" "That is for you to chose Ronnie" I am hoping that we go to pops and she wants to go to pops and I am so happy "let's get ready then"

A couple of hours later

Archie POV
"Holy crap you look beautiful Ronnie" she was surely beautiful in this blue body con dress. "Thanks Arch" I could tell that she was blushing. "Is my Ronnie blushing?" I said teasing her. "No and your Ronnie I'm not even your girl yet" she said giggling at my face expression. "Well then Ronnie will you be my girlfriend?" "Of course I will Arch and let's get going because we don't want to miss our date do we" "no or you could just stay here and snuggle Ronnie" I knew that this was a hard decision because she loves my snuggles but she said no. "What would you like to eat Archie and Veronica" this was Pop Tate who is the best in Riverdale "I would like a burger an chips please pop Ronnie what would you like?" "Um the same as Archie please" this was the best day and after pops we just snuggled and then went to sleep because it was a busy day.
Authors note:
I am from England and we call fries chips and also I don't know if this is good but I tried my best 🙂 626 words 😮 I know it doesn't seem like a lot but I put a lot of effort into this so I hope you enjoy❤️

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