Picnic P3

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For this song I suggest that you listen to either 'marry you' by Bruno Mars or 'little bit of love' by Tom Grennan

Before I start: hi guys so this is a continuation from the picnic P2 so this is why i am just going straight to it. I have been busy with school but I am very sorry and I might have to change my schedule and I don't know when I am going to end this book but anyway I hope that you enjoy !

Previously: Archie is just about ready to propose to Veronica and he is a bit nervous but who wouldn't? Archie and Veronica have known each other for years but didn't start dating until 3 years ago.

Well here goes nothing. I would be lying if I would say that I'm not nervous. I am scared shitless.
"Ronnie I have known you for years and I want to know you for the years to come. You have helped me in the darkest times and made my days brighter than they used to be. You make my heart beat faster than it already does. I realised you were the one when I first saw you in pops and I couldn't take my eyes of you. My favourite thing about you is how generous and honest you are. I can see you in my future telling our kids that you love them and growing old together. I have never loved anyone as much as I have loved you. Veronica Lodge will you marry me?"

I can't believe that I said that in one go and I left all of my insecurities aside and did what I wanted to do because I love her so much and I want to love her and live old with her.

"Yes...yes of course I will Archie I love you" "I love you too" and we kissed and one thing led to another.


I am speechless. Archie just asked me to marry him and I am so excited to spend my life with Archie and have a future with him. I also have a surprise for him but I will tell him later because we are just celebrating being with each other and I can't believe that we are fiancées.
I found out some news about two weeks ago and now I think that it is time to tell Archie.

"Archie" "yes Ronnie"
"I have something to tell you" Archie has a worried expression on his face but after I have told him this he will hopefully be very excited. "It is nothing to be worrying about but I'm pregnant" as I expected he is very happy and smothers my face in kisses.
"How far along are you?" He asks and he will be surprised as I was when I knew

I'm mentally giggling because how has he not noticed? No one knows like my hormones are all over the place but being the amazing Archie he is he doesn't question like once I wanted pickles and ice cream and if you knew me I hate ice cream.

"I am 3 months pregnant" Archie is shocked
"Already jeez maybe that's why you were eating ice cream which I thought was very strange because you hate ice cream but anyway I can't wait to have a baby with you"
"Arch we are having twins" I Know I know I was as shocked as you are.

10 years later (this part is the narrator)

Archie and Veronica got married two months after the engagement because they wanted to get married before the twins. They have twin girls called Sophia and lyla. They also have two boys called Ezra and Arlo. Ezra is 4 years old and Arlo is 2 years old. They live in a mansion with a waterfall and a huge drive way. There are 5 rooms and 6 bathrooms. 3 rooms are bed rooms; Archie and Veronica have a room, the boys have a room and the twins share a room. There is also a huge office for both Archie and Veronica. The last room is a spare bed room that they sometimes rent out when they are away but to be safe they have maximum security there aswell.

                      The end

Authors note

Hi guys so I wanted to add another chapter because I hope that you like them and this is the chapter of the picnic series so I hope that you enjoyed this series. I might finish this book soon but I am not sure. I hope that you are well and I hope that you have a good day or night

783 words

- A ❤️.

Veronica's engagement ring

Veronica's engagement ring

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The house

The house

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