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Before I start: I suggest that you listen to fire on fire by Sam smith which is a beautiful and powerful song.

The chapter:

We were soulmates. Amazing in fact and no one could put that in between us. Whatever happened in our lives we were still there do each other. Nothing could stop that or so we thought. It was all the same until someone came to Riverdale and healed that hole in my heart ❤️. Her name was Veronica and she was an amazing person but something happened and as a result of that problem I never talked to my soulmate or best friend again because I was broke. I couldn't believe what happened and I didn't want to believe what happened but as everything my life is an absolute hell hole but I get over my life because I still want to be strong for the people that I love and miss every day and after the events I couldn't do things that I used to be able to because I didn't want to be here anymore because of my trauma and I wanted to stop my trauma but I couldn't I just couldn't.

Betty and I was sat at pops and we was talking about the stuff that we did over the summer and about my vacation because I needed one because I just wanted to stay with my mum for a bit. My dad and I weren't in the best place but I was still there for him. Suddenly the door opened and the bell rang and there was this beautiful raven haired princess who looked amazing might I add. She was with her mum I believe and she came over and asked if the onion rings were amazing and I was truthful and said that they were absolute Shite but she wanted to try them anyway and that's how it started off. I then realised that she also went to Riverdale high and I guess that was where I saw her flirtatious and sarcastic side but did I mind it? Absolutely not because she was my friend but I had this weird feeling in my stomach and every time she would give me a hug I felt something that I have never felt before.

I had previously slept with girls on some occasions but that's because I didn't know what love was until I met her which sounds ironic because I never wanted to be in love with someone but that all changed very quickly and I wanted to be with her all the time but I knew that I couldn't. I guess it was because of what my previous girlfriend well if you could call her that did to me. She left me the day after my mum was diagnosed with a horrible disease but I was having none of it and ended it with a "FUCK YOU FUCK EVERYONE IM DONE WITH YOUR SHIT" as you could tell I was pretty pissed because she left me without saying goodbye and why? I have no idea why so you should ask her yourself if you want to find out. Guess how long we were together before we broke up. We were together for more then 2 years (author: they started dating when they were 14 and I know that it is pretty young but it was the first number that came to my head so don't fudge and also I know I said that josie left him but then I said that he ended it I meant that josie did leave him/say a break and I'm what I meant by Archie's reaction is that you can fuck off because of all of the things that josie did to him because it's not just women who get treated poorly but anyway back to the chapter because I could do this forever if I could) but I guess that she wasn't the one for me and I guess that we did the right thing because of Veronica and josie and I didn't talk and in the "present" (by present I mean what is happening now and not in the past but I'm getting to the present but if you want to skip this chapter and go to the next chapter that talks about the chapter then go ahead🙂)
And we still don't but yeah like I was saying Betty and I used to be sole mates and everyone thought we would be end game but little did they know Veronica and I would and I was so happy with Veronica but of this stupid event everything changed and for the worst.

Authors note

I am going to post the next episode of this chapter tomorrow and I hope you had a good day or night. Again I'm sorry that it is short but I hope you like it. And thank you for all the people who have read this book and my other one I will post my second chapter on my other book tomorrow even though I haven't started my second chapter yet but that's because I am lazy. Hope that you enjoy this chapter and please comment or vote. If you have any ideas please tell me and if you can't then please add my book to your reading list
918 words ! (sorry it's short)
- A ❤️
Sorry guys I just realised that there was typos so sorry about that but I am going to upload on my other story shortly
- A ❤️

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