Picnic P1

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Before I start: hi guys sorry for not uploading for a long time it is currently 11:22pm as I am writing this big I got this requested ages ago by @idk_meli and I forgot to do one so I'm sorry but I hope that you enjoy.

Archies POV

Today is mine and Ronnie's 3 year anniversary and I thought of doing something for her because she is always there for me and today I'm just going to make today about her because she is the most stunning person that I have ever seen. So I have a plan and it is a big one but I am not going to spoil it yet but I am going to text Ronnie to get ready for the surprise date. I can't wait to see her in that beautiful dress that I chose for her and I can't wait for later and hopefully she will answer a very important question that I ask her in a few hours.

Hi babe get ready into your clothes that I put on our bed for you and then I will come and pick you up❤️

Ronnie❤️: okay? ❤️

Veronica's POV

So today is a very special day but can you guess what it is? It is mine and Archie's 3 year anniversary which is amazing and I can't believe that we have been together for 3 years already like where has the time gone? Anyway I got this strange text from Archie saying to get changed in the clothes that he picked which is strange because we didn't have any plans for today but I don't mind because I love him so much. Archie knows how to dress people. I am not a comfortable person but I think that I look stunning in this dress which has a v neck line and has a split down the left hand side which is just bellow my middle part of my thigh and it is a beautiful navy blue colour which I think suits me and Archie loves this colour on me so I now know why he chose this dress. I have ten minutes until Archie gets back home to pick me up but I'm just getting ready by applying a little bit of makeup just to adding some eyeshadow, mascara and a bit of lipgloss.Let's just say that I look pretty decent. My choice of shoes was cut down a bit because i have unlimited amount of Nike shoes because they are so nice and Archie and I normally match in them but because I am wearing a long dress I am going to wear some navy blue heels which match my dress. Archie kindly gave them to me as a gift and I love them but If you was there you would have laughed at Archie's face because he was really nervous about me not liking them or not fitting me but I reassured him that I absolutely love them and that they are my size. I also said that I couldn't wait to wear them and now the day has finally come due to all of this COVID nonsense but already I will be with my boyfriend who couldn't make me happier because every day I love him even more.

I must have been to focused on my thoughts that I didn't realise that Archie was out the back and that I have loads of miss calls from him but at least I am here with my one and only who makes me happier than the calm night sky with stars glistening in the distance. I am once again held up in my thoughts.
"Babe are you ready?" I hear Archie say from across the room. "I'm almost done".
When I come out of the room I can sense the love between us because Archie is staring at the sight of me in this outfit and he is also making me boost my self confidence which is one of the many things that I love about him.

Archie's POV

As I walk into our house I realise that Ronnie has taken her dress and gotten ready and I can't wait to see her looking as beautiful as ever and I might not make it to tonight/later to ask her my question and my self consciousness is getting to me but I won't that stop me so ha to my self consciousness it won't beat me that easily. I am starting to get impatient waiting for my girl so I say "babe are you almost ready I have been waiting for ages to see your beautiful face again?" And she replied with "I'm almost done baby".
As soon as she walks out of the door I am instantly speechless because my girl looks stunning but when is she not. I came help staring at her because she looks breathtaking. I give her a quick kiss to only tell that I have been holding my breath for a couple of minutes because how can you not seeing the sight of her. I can't wait to take her on a date because of COVID we wasn't able to go for date nights but to make up for it we just enjoyed watching Netflix and chilling which don't get me wrong I enjoyed but I would most likely enjoy going out with my girl and she will never bore me.

Authors note.

I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who are reading my books and voting and commenting oh and also adding my books to your reading lists so I can't thank you enough. I Also want to say a huge thank you to @idk_meli for always commenting and giving me suggestions. I Hope that you enjoy reading my books.
This series will either be a two or three part and I've got to say that this is my favourite series yet and I have a lot of ideas for this series for my one shots and If you have any suggestions please don't be afraid to ask.
Lastly in a couple of chapters if you want me to I can say I little about myself.
I have to say that I have enjoyed doing this one the most.

1062 words wow! Have a good night/day
- A ❤️
Publishing time is 00:11 😂 it's midnight lol.
I has just added a little more to this chapter so I hope that you like it but anyway I will upload l8r
- A ❤️

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