The fight

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Hi guys so I know that it has been a long time since I wrote a chapter and I was going to post one yesterday however time got to me and it was Halloween.
It's already November which is crazy.

Veronica's POV

These past months have been horrible. I broke up with Archie again after a couple of months and I know that I am selfish but I did it because i thought that it was what was best for us. Truthfully I think that I did it because of what happened with Chad and I. He abused me, he didn't love me. He only wanted me for the money. So I decided that I had enough. I sent him divorce papers to sign however he was having none of it. He kept threatening me by talking about Archie in horrible ways. I loved no love Archie but I couldn't do that to him and so I had to break up with him

I had a fight with Betty a couple of weeks ago about which one of us has had the worst things in life growing up and as you guessed it of course Archie took her side. I don't know wether this was because I had just broke up with him and he was pissed or that he truly believed that Betty had it worse. They had known each other for years thus Archie taking her side.

Betty has had horrible things like - finding out that she was a blossom, her breakup with Jughead, Archie taken away from her by me, her dad being the black hood and a deceased sibling.

However I also have had terrible things done to me for example - moving to Riverdale because of my father, being a lodge, nick almost r***d me, being controlled by my father, Archie going to jail, having a half sibling only my parents knew about, parents don't love me and finally Chad - my ex husband who I killed because of what he did and said that he would do to Archie. Even though these are horrible the worst thing that I can think of was having a hard time saying 'I love you' to Archie as I never experienced it and I hated it because I knew that I did however I couldn't say it because I just couldn't.

Betty has had horrible things done to her but she has had better good things in her life compared to me. When I found out that Archie took Betty's side I was pissed - because he was the man that I have loved for years - but not because of what I did and didn't do to make him happy. I just wish that he was civil about it.

Here is another chapter and I decided to do one because I wasn't at school today however tomorrow I am and so I don't know when the next one will be up.
Did you have a good Halloween and if you went 'trick or treating' what did you go as?

I forgot to mention but thank you to AngelisPagan for suggesting  ❤️ however they aren't on here anymore

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