Adopting britta

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Before I start: I decided to change this chapter last minute as I wasn't happy with it.
TW: r**e
Trapped. Alone. Hopeless. There I sit in a place i used to call home. I see him. Smiling as if he has done something great for his family but yet it is the opposite. I see him grin whilst I cry. The twisted family coming together again. Her. The person I needed the most in life but didn't support me as I was different from her others. Part of the LGBTQIA+ community and proud. Him and her criminals. Their twisted minds alike. Their children suffering. The youngest knows nothing; the oldest knows everything. Him knowing what he would do to the youngster at night. His wife going along with it.

"STOP!" I scream suddenly waking up from the nightmare I have had the past five years. Tears streaming down my face like a waterfall. I wish these nightmares were not real. Veronica comes in and tells me that everything is going to be alright whilst Archie comforts me. These are the parents I hoped for. Them comforting me when I need them the most not like the people I have to call my family who tried to change me as someone that I had not wanted to be. My ears ringing. My heart beating rapidly. My breaths shallowing.

Authors note

I know that this is sensitive for people and I'm sorry if anyone has ever had to deal with that.  Here is the chapter. I wanted to change this last minute and it is short but I can't be asked do add more 😂.
275 words ❤️

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