Covid (qp2)

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March 13

The day the world fell apart. Lockdown. The day that the world started to go upside down. It was like the plague was reserving the world. The day that we all had to stay inside apart from going to the store for necessities or hospital If we needed to however us people were told to be safe and stayed inside. The death rate. Enormous. Horrible. Unbelievable. The day that no one expected. By this point ee all new what it was about but not how bad it was. Most of the time people would stay at home to be safe however there would be a lot of protests here back in London. Schools were closed for 6 months which some kids were happy about but then again so would I.

The only good thing about this whole corona situation was that I had my best friend Archie with me. Archie and I would stay up late joking around and watching scary movies and popcorn. I guess after a while people forgot what the normal was and we was in the new norm. Archie and I got really close and on November 17th he asked me to be his girlfriend and I was so happy. It's almost our one year anniversary and I think that he is going to do something really big.
Halloween was also cancelled last year because of corona rising
Christmas was different because pre Corona all my family from the states would come to England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 but sadly that didn't happen so we opened Christmas presents via (in England we pronounce it vy-a and not vee-a) FaceTime which was nice.
So yeah for the first six months it was great but then things started to go down hill from there


Hi guys I hope that you liked this chapter and last night I checked what place we was in on kjmila and it was second and I have alomost gir 5k reads so thank you to everybody who has read this book. I thought that I would continue this book. In my after book Hardins POV will be up tomorrow so I hope that you enjoyed reading and have a good day or that you did have a good nights rest. I started school on Tuesday and it was weird because we didn't have to wear masks anymore but now we move around the school ans not stay in one place. On Friday I did cross country and I have to do it for another week so that just fantastic anyway bye 😘

433 words including An


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