Soulmates Part 4

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Before I start: i am so sorry that I haven't been uploading as much as I used to it's just personal issues but I have a week off school so I will try and get back to my schedule but I hope you like it and enjoy this is the last of the soulmates series and it is a 5 year time jump btw Archie and Veronica were nearly 20 in the last chapter so they are around 25/26

Previously: it has been 2 months since Archie and Veronica got together and they made the most of it so far. Some bad things have happened but there has also been good things.

Hi, so I know that I haven't been writing what has happened to my life for the last 5 years but you will get to know. There has been many milestones and many bad and good things.

Let's start with the bad things and then get to the best things that have happened to me for the past 5 years.

Firstly the worst thing that has happened to me is that a couple years back my mum unexpectedly passed away. I didn't talk to anyone for months because I didn't know what to do with my life. I felt numb. I felt guilty. I felt useless. My father had passed away before I was born so I didn't have a father figure in my life but I didn't mine because as long as I had my mum I was alright. I had no close relatives so I couldn't talk to anyone and at sometimes I pushed Veronica away as well which I know is fucked up I know trust me. Another bad thing is that Betty and I aren't communicating anymore which is a good thing but also is a bad thing I guess. My final horrible thing is that my gym had to be gone which I don't understand to this day but luckily I have another gym opened and I let people come in at any time of day as long as there are people there. Now onto the best things which has happened during these past 5 years.

The best things of my life which I will remember for ever have made me into a better person that I am today.

First of all, one of the many great things is that Veronica and I are still going strong and we are married which I love because she is an amazing person and I got so luckily with Veronica. Secondly, Veronica and I moved to New Zealand and it is an amazing place and we don't regret it one bit. We chose to move to New Zealand 🇳🇿 after we came back from our honey moon because that was where we went and we just fell in love with it. Another amazing thing that has happened is Jughead has moved on from Betty which I was so happy about because he didn't deserve her. He started dating this girl called Lili  and she is the perfect person for Jughead and they have a 3 year old son called Charlie who is just the most adorable person ever. Lastly, Veronica and I have had children of our own and I know that people might think that 22/23 is too young for having kids but I think that it is perfect. We have twin daughters called Olivia and Ava who are 2 and we have a son called Ezra who is 9 months and is the sweetest. I wouldn't change this for the world even though I was horrible to Veronica she chose to stick by me and I'm glad she did and I will love her for eternity.

Authors note: sorry that I didn't upload. This is the end of the soulmates series but I hope you enjoy it. I will upload tomorrow for my other book but have a good day or night

- A ❤️

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