Pt 2. The comment

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I woke up in the middle of the night to my phone blowing up, I had forgot to put it on silent. I checked my phone, it was 3AM! I rolled back over but one more notification came through and I was too curious, so I decide to have a look. They were all insta notifications. I went on to Insta and checked. I was confused but kinda excited, the first thing I saw was that there were thousands of comments on my recent post, but not about me??
"OMG I can't believe he said that!!" Was the first comment I saw. The next was "Quackity is a simp". Alex had commented!?? i HAD to check this out. I scrolled and scrolled until I saw the comment.
"Hermosa 🤩" [beautiful] I've been learning Spanish for 7 years now so I knew exactly what it meant. I freaked out so I didn't know what to do, I just liked the comment and went back to sleep.
The next morning I had even more comments about his comment, which was kinda nice.
I live in England so the time difference was quite big between me and Alex as he lived in Mexico. I knew he'd be asleep. I text Wilbur about the whole comment fiasco.


What a simp!!
                                I mean he's kinda cute

so you like him huh?

                                            I never said that
But that's what you meant.
I know you Y/N.
                                                Shut up idiot
YOU DO!                                                                                                                                                                               You left him on read because he knew the answer. Yes I guess I do like him a bit but it's literally only been a day. I'll have to get to know him more. 

I got dressed and had my morning coffee, by this time it was 13:26. That meant it was 7:00AM where Alex was. Maybe he'd be up. I don't know what I was going to say about his comment, it's gonna be awkward.
Later on in the evening

Me and Alex had been texting a bit today, just the usual conversation you know, wyd? Hru? And then out of the blue he asked for my number so I gave it to him. Straight away, I got a face time call, it was Alex. I was nervous so I let it ring for a couple of seconds and then I answered it.
He had his face right up to the camera
(Pretend it's a ft call ok 💀😂)

 He had his face right up to the camera      (Pretend it's a ft call ok 💀😂)

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I took a screenshot and he could see that I had as my screen lit up. "Heyyy!" He said as he moved his face further away. "you wanna play some minecraft?" I said and he immediately said "yeah sure". We Didn't stream but we stayed on call as we played. We decided to build a house , it was cute. Although, I did most of the work. I looked down at my phone, I noticed him staring at his phone, was he staring at me? I stared back for a minute and then realised what I was doing so looked away. He laughed a little, like a scoff but it was a laugh. He saw me staring. great.
I placed two beds down, next to each other because it looked cute, but once he saw it his face dropped to a frown.
" No!" He said as he broke the bed. I remained silent as I was kinda embarrassed.
"I guess we'll have to get married then" I thought it was a bit risky and out of my comfort zone to say this but why not. I could see that he blushed a little.
"Well, it's probably getting late for you Y/N how about we call it a night" when he said this i was kinda sad he was going but I realised that I was really tired so it was probably a good idea.
"Okieee," I said as I yawned. "Goodnight Alex."

"Goodnight hermosa." he ended the call.
I felt like a little girl again, I had butterflies in my stomach and I had that warm feeling inside.

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