Pt 18. Skater

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Y/n's P.o.v
We walked for about 10mins along the busy streets of London until we finally came across a park. I had brought my skateboard with me as I had planned to take him to the skatepark
"So, what do you think of London so far duck boy?" I asked him. Alex had never been to England before so he was excited to explore.
"It's absolutely wonderful" he joked in a terrible British accent. I giggled back.
"We sound nothing like that" we both laughed and continued to walk through the park, hand in hand. We arrived at the skate park which i frequently visited. I dragged Alex over and got him to take some photos.
"You really are beautiful" he looked at me in awe. My whole body squirmed and my thousands of butterflies fluttered around my stomach. I took back my phone and posted the photo that Alex had taken for me.

Y/u/n: someone just told me it's illegal to commit arson :(

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Y/u/n: someone just told me it's illegal to commit arson :(

User_1: ur so pretty 🥺🥺
User_2: vibes
User_3: I'll commit arson with you 👉👈

Wilbursoot: bestie vibes only, bestie vibes only
Reply to @wilbursoot: 👁 miss you :)

QuackityHQ: I wonder who took this..
                    User_2: wat-
  User_4: HOLD UP, is he in England!
                  Liked by y/u/n and quackityHQ

QuackityHQ: 👀ur kinda cute yk
Reply to @quackityhq: 🙈hehe

I picked up my skateboard and started to skate around doing the odd trick.
"Wanna have ago?" I asked Alex
"Uh- i don't know how.."
"Omg CAN I TEACH YOUUU!! Pleaseeeeee" i eagerly asked with puppy dog eyes.
"Suree, but only because I think you're pretty"
He stood on the skateboard and immediately started to wobble around, I giggled and took his hands. After about 20 minutes of Alex completely failing, we decided to head to the local cafe to get a coffee.
We sat down at a table at the front of the tiny cafe, beside the window. As we sipped at our drinks , I watched Alex's every movement, he is just so perfect. I can imagine a future with him, I can imagine us living the rest of our lives together. However, I still had this weird feeling, slightly holding me back. Me and Alex never really addressed the whole Natalia situation that much. I do believe that he isn't a cheater but I just needed some sort of closure, you know?
"You ok?" Alex could see that I was deep in thought and it was starting to stress me out.
"Mhm." I mumbled back, staring out the window still caught up in my head. What brought me back in the room was Alex, he began to play with my hands. He massaged circles in my palm and then rubbed my knuckles. It was so soothing, i gave him a smile and went back to my thoughts.
"I don't believe you" Should I tell him what's on my mind?

"I think we should talk about the whole situation" as I spoke, I could feel him tense up a bit.
"Ok, what about it?" He kindly asked
"Of course I believe you and everything, but I can't help but wonder why she would tell me that. Maybe she was jealous? And I guess that kinda scares me, she's so pretty and if she like you-" i rambled on but was soon cut of by Alex. He let out a scoff, but it was a laugh.
"Y/n you have no idea how happy you make me. I would never ever leave you or cheat on you. You are everything I could ever want in a person and you're so beautiful and no one, even Taylor swift, could change my mind on that. And as for Natalia, I haven't actually spoken to her since it all happened. I'm still mad at her. I don't know why she did it either." What he said was reassuring and made me feel loved. I felt obliged to respond telling him how I felt about him too.
"Alex, you are so precious. Your so sweet, everything to say to me gives me butterflies and it's so hard to try and not get flustered around you. I really do see a future with you, whether we're together or not." He blushed and looked away with a wide grin.

Alex's P.o.v
What y/n told me made me feel so happy, I just want to call her mine. Although we've kissed and everything, we aren't official. I've got a plan though, soon I'll be able to brag to everyone that's she's mine.

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