Pt 25. valentines day

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Btw I did not proof read this at all. I hope you enjoy ✌️❤️

Alex's P.o.v
It's Valentine's Day, and I had planned to take y/n to the same restaurant we went to the night I asked her to be my girlfriend. This is our first valentines together and I hope that there'll be many more.
I woke up with her still in my arms. She began to wake up.
"Good morning hermosa" she fluttered her eyes open and started up at me, with her beautiful e/c eyes.
"Good morning, duck boi. You know what day it is today huh"
"No, it's just Friday??" I joked with her.
"So your telling me you don't know what the 14th February is?"
"Uhh nope" then she playfully hit me on the arm.
"Stop playing with meee" she pouted. It was so cute so I gave in.
"Of course I know what day it is hermosa. Happy valentines mi cielito"
"Happy valentines mi amor" she replied, her loving voice warning my heart making my stomach squirm like a little child. I leaned in and placed a small kiss upon her soft lips at which she blushed.
"So what're we doing today?" She asked me.
"Well, I was planning on taking you to that restaurant we went to on the day I asked you to be my girlfriend"
"That would be perfect."

Y/n's P.o.v
I'm glad that Alex is here to spend our first valentines together. I mean as it's our first there's no need to make it such an extravagant day but it's still nice to at least do something romantic. He told he wanted to take us to the restaurant we first went to, which is such a sweet idea, perhaps we could make it a tradition? You know, every valentines. If we last long enough of course which I hope we do.

Wilbur has been getting quite close to Natalia and I think they're really hitting it off. I mean of course I did warn him, but a man wants what a man wants I guess. They do look cute together and I'm sure he would be good for her. Whether or not she'd be good for him I don't know. I'm just trying to make sure he doesn't get hurt considering she's already proven herself to be a sick bitch. Not to be rude or anything......
Wilbur said that he's planning on asking her to be his girlfriend today. He likes her. And I mean really likes her. She better not break his heart or I swear I will rip her fucking throat out. That's not an exaggeration.

Throughout the day me and Alex just kinda chilled and watched some movies. We cooked breakfast together which was fun. I put music on whilst we cooked the pancakes, and started to sway to the beat of the song. Alex noticed and came up behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist and began to sway with me. It was a memorable moment that I'll never forget.
What I got Alex for Valentine's Day isn't such a big deal, we said to each other that we don't want to go all out, being with each other is a better present than anything we've ever got each other. (That was cringe). I got him some new sweatpants as I had stolen the ones he had brought with him; some new things for his setup and what not and some new hoodies which again I would probably steal.
As for streaming, it's still holding up. My amount of viewers has risen by an extreme amount after becoming public with THE Alex Quackity. I love streaming and it's so heart warming to see so many people care about me, I'm planning on releasing Merch soon and I'm pretty sure it'll do well.
Alex gave his presents he had gotten for me: a new set of earrings that were gorgeous, a new pandora charm for my bracelet that had the letter 'A'on it.
"Wow how self centred of you Alex" I joked with him.
"I just thought, now, I'm with you wherever you go"
"Thank you mi amor, I love it"
He also gave me some of his merch which was to be expected, he had just released some new merch and of course I would be so lucky to get some.

We got ready for the evening, I wore a cute but classy outfit (which you can imagine) with some makeup (or not) and my new earrings, along with charm on my bracelet. We left in an Uber around 8pm. The restaurant looked so beautiful as usual, the fairy lights created a dim but romantic lighting that was just perfect for the occasion. Once again, the food was amazing and we enjoyed every second of it. The rest of the night was perfect. We went for a late night stroll, but as it's February in England it was bloody freezing. Alex ended up letting me wear his jacket like we were in some sort of 60s romcom. I'm so glad to have Alex, and I know he would never hurt me, or at least try to.
Once we got home I undressed and got into Alex's sweatpants and hoodie as per usual, we cuddled in bed and just talked for hours.
"Oh my god, y/n!"
"Oh my god Alex!"
"I've just had a great idea"
"Ok.. so what's this brilliant idea you have?" I replied sarcastically but not spitefully
"We should have a party! And we can invite Wilbur and Natalia and ooo please can we invite Karl and Nick (Sapnap) and clay (dream) and George and-"
"Ok ok slow down 3 year old. Yh that's sounds like a good idea but don't a lot of them live in the USA?"
"Y/n they're streamers, they can afford to fly over."
"If you say so. ooo can we invite tommy and tubbo?"
"Yh but they can't drink so we'd have to make sure their parents agree to it."
"Eeeee I can't wait. How about we do it in like 2 weeks so everyone can book flights in time"
"Sounds good to me hermosa. Goodnight, I love you mi cielito"
"Goodnight my amor, I love you too"
And with that we both fell asleep, entangled in each other arms.

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