Pt 30. No more natalia 😎

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Alex's P.o.v
After Karl left I decided it was best to try and talk to Wilbur and explain everything. I walked out of y/n's bedroom with George, to see Wilbur sitting on the coach with Natalia, she was comforting her.
"Wilbur, can I talk to you for a second please."
"Uh sure" he replied.
We walked back into y/n's room to get some privacy. I could tell he was still annoyed at me and didn't want to talk to me.
"So..umm" I began
"Go On then" he said bitterly.
"I'm so sorry"
"Is that it?"
"No. Um. I don't want to ruin things with you and Natalia but I think you should hear this."
"What are you taking about"
"She came on to me. And the reason I didn't stop was because I thought that it was y/n. We were in the dark and she didn't say anything so I couldn't tell who it was. It was the alcohol
"But. I-. How can I believe you"
"You just have to trust me. Natalia has already done something shitty before, it's a pattern. She was just using you to get to me" Wilbur was getting even more mad, but I wasn't noticing it, I just kept trying to explain.
"And it's fucked up, why would she use someone to get closer to someone else."
"ALEX. Stop fucking making everything about you. Y/n is out there alone, probably crying because she saw YOU kissing MY girlfriend. Ok I get you didn't know it was Natalia but that doesn't make it ok. Stop trying to excuse yourself by blaming it on Natalia and the fucking alcohol. Take responsibility, you messed up." His words hit me. He's right. What the fuck is wrong with me. I've messed everything up.
"I- your right. I'm so sorry."
"I do believe you Alex, but come on it's not all her fault. You did kiss her."
"Yh I know."
"Now I'm gonna go break up with this bitch. And then we can go find y/n"
"Good luck". I followed Wilbur into the living room, where Natalia was sitting on the couch.
"We're over" Wilbur said, standing in front of her
"Baby what do you mean"
"Shut the fuck up. We're done. I don't want to see you ever again  and neither does Anyone else here. Now go back to Canada or wherever the fuck you live and never come the fuck back" at this point everyone was listening in and whispering to escorted. Y/n and Karl had also walked in, to see the drama. She was wearing his jacket which made me feel jealous. She had quite clearly been crying which made me feel sick. What am I going to say to her.

A/n: the next chapter is the one you've been waiting for....

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