Pt 32. One last time..

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Alex's P.o.v
I woke up feeling cold and alone, I checked the clock to see that it was 12pm. As soon as I sat up I felt pain hit my head, causing me to feel dizzy and lose my vision for a split second. "Fuck, my head" it throbbed, and my throat felt sore. The mass alcohol amount of alcohol I consumed from last night evidently had an effect on me. I also noticed that y/n was not in bed. I decided to look for her. I walked into the kitchen and looked over to the sofa, y/n was fast asleep, she had black smudges under her eyes, similar to the ones that had once stained her eyes many months ago when she came to Mexico. She had been crying.
I made two cups of coffee, knowing that y/n would want one. I also realised that she would most likely feel like shit too so I grabbed some pills and water. I sat on the end of the couch, closest to her head. I saw that her hair was covering her face so I tucked it behind her ear and began to play with it. After about 2 minutes she woke up.
"Good morning." She said with her adorable sleepy voice.
"Morning." I could tell she felt nervous and awkward. So instead of pressuring her to hear me out. I gave her a break. She would talk to me when she wanted to.

In the meantime I went an edited a video that my fans have been dying to see. It was a video me and y/n did. We baked a cake on Valentine's Day. Watching the clips back whilst I edited made my heart feel sore, could this be last time I'm with y/n (romantically). However, I persisted and edited the whole video. I would have to show it to y/n before I uploaded it, to make sure she was ok with it. I went into her room where she was also editing. I could see she had been crying again from the redness around her eyes.
"Hey I- uh edited the video from the other day. I just wanted to show you before I upload it."
"Okay sure" as she replied I could hear the dryness of her throat.
"Have you had anything to drink today?" I asked, to make sure she was staying hydrated.
"No." Immediately after her stomach made a loud grumble.
"No." The fact that she hasn't eaten or had anything to drink made me feel sick. I felt as though it was my fault. It probably was.
"Oh hermosa, let me get you some. Please eat, for me." The nickname flew out of my mouth. It probably wasn't the time to use it as I could see it saddened her. I went and grabbed her some snacks and some water.
"Please at least try to eat something."
She just nodded and picked at the food I had gotten her.
I sat on the bed and pressed play on the video. I noticed that in the video, she would glance me the most adorable looks. I hadn't noticed till now. I noticed Her cute little smile and her rosy cheeks when I would compliment her. She looked as though she was really in love with me. And now I've gone and done this. I've broken her heart. And it's all my fault. I stopped the video as all my emotions began to rise up in me.
"Why did you stop it?" She asked.
"Are you ready to talk?"
"I mean I guess."
~time skip as I cba to write the whole thing~
"And I thought it was you. I'm so stupid and it's all my fault. I should've know it wasn't you. I mean how bad does that make me look. Not know who my own fucking girlfriend is." At this point we were both in tears.
"I don't know what to say to you Alex."
"You don't need to say anything it's ok. but just know that I am extremely sorry right from the bottom of my heart I'm sorry. I don't know how to make it up to you. But I will. And I still love you and I always will."
"Alex." She mumbled out. It seemed as though more tears were going to come out. Whatever she was about to say was clearly going to upset me. I tried to mentally prepare myself. It didn't work.
"I don't think I can do this anymore." Fuck.
"Cant do what?"
"Us. This. Being with you."
"Oh- um." My eyes felt sore as tears continued to fall.
"That doesn't mean I don't still love you. I do,
I really do. But I'm just not in the right mind frame for a relationship right now. I'm so sorry."
"Yh." Was all I could reply with. She pulled me in, for one last cuddle.
(A/n this is so fucking cringey to write)
"Can I hold you for one last night?" I asked.
"Mhm." She then pulled me in, towards her face. Our lips traced each other's for one last time.
"Im gonna miss you duck boi"
"I'll miss you too hermosa."
"Maybe one day. We can try again." And with that, we fell asleep In each other's arms. For one last night.

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