Pt 12. Trust issues

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Y/n's P.o.v
I woke up during the night from a bad dream. In the dream I was being chased by some stupid clown, when I was younger I had this big fear of them. It was holding an axe and running towards me, I ran and ran until I got to a cliff, the only way to escape the clown was to jump. I jumped but of course woke up before I could hit the ground. I got up with a jolt and immediately sat up, disturbing Alex as I was originally in his arms (that's cute) I thought to myself. His warmth was comforting, cuddling with him made me feel safe. I know he definitely likes me and he can tell I like him, we've been flirting back and forth. I'm just too much of a pussy to tell him. But maybe I should? Alex hadn't woken up, he had only shuffled once I had woken up. I quickly grabbed my phone and text will, I doubt he'd be up though.
                                 Willbur 💕
                                      Hey bitch, you up?
I waited 10 minutes, just scrolling through Twitter but I hadn't had a response. So instead I decided to message Natalia, she seemed nice and she knew Alex really well, perhaps she could help me decide whether or not to tell him.
                  Hey, it's y/n from the park  x
  Oh hey what's up x
                   Not much, well actually a lot
Okay hit me 
                   It's Alex, I sort of like him and
            I don't know if I should tell him
Well how long have you known
Each other?
               About a month and half but,
               It feels like I've known him

Natalia's P.o.v
A month and a half!! And they had that much chemistry. Me and Alex were close but it was never the friendship they clearly had. I felt a burn in my chest. How could she be closer than me and him ever were, and I've known him practically my whole life. She seems like a bitch anyway, he's too good for her. There's no way they should be together, I'll make sure of it. And once he gets all upset about her, I'll be there to make him feel better, just like the old days, we'll be closer than anything.

Look y/n all I'm gonna say
Is be careful with Alex, he
Cheated on his last gf.
                              That doesn't sound like
                              Alex, are you sure?
Yup, I know I found it
Hard to believe too
But I mean it's ur
Choice if you wanna go
For it xx

Of course he hadn't cheated, he's the most loyal guy I've ever met, he would never cheat on someone.

Y/n's P.o.v
Alex is a cheater?!! God, I like him so much but I really can't deal with someone if there's a chance they might cheat. My thoughts were spinning around my head as I stared at the sleeping boy laying next to me with his arms firmly around my waist. He was so damn cute and he seemed so loyal, but I guess never judge a book by its cover. Now what do I do?
I fell back into a deep sleep, the thoughts disappearing, waiting for the morning to bounce back into my head.

A/n: oop- so Natalia is a bitch. Who wants to go beat her up with me 😃😃

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