Pt.21 Moon to my sun

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Y/n's P.o.v
Alex only has a few days left before he has to go back to Mexico. I'm really going to miss him, not being able to hug him whenever I want, actually see him in person is really going to make me sad. But I know that we will make it work, I'm willing to try my best. Long distance never really worked for me, but with Alex it's different. He's different. Whilst he was here we streamed a couple of times, chat when crazy. They would spam things like
Your sooo cute
Your perfect for each other
And of course there were some haters too, but I never let it get to me. And if there was a comment that went too far, Alex would always say something. He was really protective.

Alex decided he should contact Natalia to sort everything out, turns out she just missed having him as a friend. She apologised to us both, I forgave her. It was still a dick move though, I'll never forget. She was actually nice once you get to know her, me and her are sort of good friends now and so was her and Alex. But he would always reassure me that i was the one he wanted.
Me and Wilbur are still really close of course, I decided that this time i wouldn't let a relationship get in between us. When we became public, Will was so happy for me. And of course him being so protective of me, he called Alex at told him:
"I swear to god Alex if you hurt her in any way I will fucking murder you ok" .
We spent the rest of our time together, venturing out to different places, going on cute dates and just simply enjoying each other's presence. All too quickly, the day came for him to go home.
We drove to the airport, listening to music and singing along to the tunes. Until, I felt a tear trickle down my face. Alex turned to me, "hey it's ok, I promise to call and text you every single day."
"I know but I'm just gonna really miss you."
I kept my eyes on the road but still continued to sob. Alex took my free hand and place it in his. "I'm gonna miss you too hermosa".
And just like that, he was gone.

(Skip to Christmas time because I'm lazy)
It's been about a month and but since me and Alex started dating, we're still going strong. Each and every day I felt myself falling more in love with him. I've now gained a lot more followers on every social media platform, thanks to Alex. I still continue to stream with friends and it's really going well. I'm considering making it my full time job. I've never really had a proper job, this seemed like the thing for me. It's coming up for Christmas, Alex was supposed to come and see me but his mum got sick so he had to stay with her. Everyday he calls me, I ask how his mum is doing. She seems to be getting better, but it's still stressing him out. I try to comfort him but I know that being there in person would help him so much more. I told him that I would send over his presents and call him on Christmas Day.
24th December
"Your such a little kid." He chuckled
"Shut uppp I'm just excited for you to open what I got youu"
"Me tooo"
We had planned to stay on facetime all night.
"How's your mum doing?"
"I mean she's getting a lot better, which is great. But I'm just so worried that it'll get worse." He sniffled.
" I know, I know. But trust me, everything will get better ok. She's a strong woman, she can get through it, I know she can"
"Hm. I love you,"
"I love you too."
After a few hours of playing Minecraft and watching Christmas movies, we fell asleep on call. He looked so cute. I really wanna cuddle him right now.
"Y/nnn~, wake upppp!!" I immediately woke up. Because of the time difference it was late morning for me and really early morning for him. "OMG. ITS CHRISTMAS!" I shouted at him. We stayed on call all morning, I went into my living room where I had put up a small tree. Underneath were the gifts that Alex had sent to me by post. I sat down eagerly like a school child and began to rip them open.
"Oh my god I love it!!" It was a small duck plushie, it reminded me of Alex. I continued to open the gifts, leaving the one that Alex had told me that was the biggest till last.
"I hope you like it."
I teared away the wrapping paper, revealing a small box. A ring box? (Dw it's not an engagement ring, we aren't speed running this relationship💀)
"Open it"
As I slowly opened the box, I gasped. A beautiful ring stared back at me. My mouth became so wide with a smile.
"I have a matching one," he told me.
"Alex I love it."
"Its a promise ring. I promise to always be there for you, always love you and always make you happy."
I picked up the ring and put it on. Alex then showed me his.

 "Your the moon to my sun

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"Your the moon to my sun."
Alex opened his gifts which weren't as good as the ones he got me. But he said he loved them. I'm so grateful to have him in my life.

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