Chapter 23

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Night had fallen over Seattle, but it was still early to go to Eddie's place. The girls had had a long lunch together and then they wandered around town, but rain came back and they were forced to search for some shelter. Since it was also getting cold, they decided to sit for a hot drink and the modern Voxx Coffee at the 6th Avenue was the chosen place. The café was full and people around their table eyed them as if they were bothered with all the noise the young girls were making. The elderly couple at the table right next to theirs had shaken their heads a couple of times, probably shocked with what they were hearing. They don't know how but conversation had turned rather intimate and intimate details being revealed and sex was still a taboo in society. The girls didn't care though. They continued talking oblivious to all staring and censuring glares. They were young and free and most of all good friends.

"Oh..." Ellie laughed loud and so did the other girls. "My God... leave me alone!" She breathed trying to clean the tears in her eyes from all the laughter.

"You don't tell us anything!" Brooke, her sister, complained. "You just listen but you say nothing!"

Demri took her cup of coffee to her lips and had a small sip, then she smiled. "We all have spilled our guts about our men and you said nothing."

"She never does." Brenda pointed at the other two with her index finger. "She keeps it a secret."

"And it will remain that way." Ellie responded, sipping on her tea but a with a smile on her lips.

"Is he quiet?" Brooke teased her sister.

"He is your brother-in-law!" Ellie argued. "I am not going to talk about my sex life. I am sorry girls..." She laughed.

"I don't think Chris is quiet." Brenda winked and Ellie giggled shaking her head lightly, continuing to sip on her tea. "He has this rather quiet personality. He is sort of introverted but you know what they say about guys like him..." All four girls ended up laughing loud.

"Chris would be horrified if he could listen to the three of you right now." Ellie pointed out.

"Yeah... like that baby you are carrying came out of nowhere." Demri blurted.

"I never said we didn't have sex." Ellie started laughing looking at her.

"Wait..." Brenda almost yelled and got up. Then, she giggled and tapped with both hands on the table. "I remember their neighbor complaining..."

"My god..." Ellie whispered and shook her head. How she wished Brenda had not remembered that small fact.

"Sister!" Brooke yelped. "Wild?" Her green eyes piercing her sister's and Ellie couldn't even answer as she started laughing uncontrollably.

"I remember this!" Brenda sat and pointed at Ellie. "You complained how embarrassed you were about it."

"Enough!" Ellie asked out of breath and trying to make her laughter to subside. "Even my baby is kicking me now." She said rubbing her belly.

"Cornell can deliver it." Demri added visibly amused. "He doesn't fool me with his angelic face and quiet personality."

"Oh..." Brooke suddenly frowned. "Ellie is right... this is my brother-in-law we are talking about..."

"Alleluia!" Ellie opened her eyes wide and nodded at her sister as if she had found some sanity suddenly, but then Brooke smiled wickedly and Ellie narrowed her eyes at her knowing she was faking.

"Have you had a first with him?" Brooke then asked Ellie and she threw her head back and closed her eyes pretending to be exasperated. "Come on..." Brooke said. "You were 23 when you started dating him. I know you were definitely not a virgin."

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