Chapter 44

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Ellie got her sleep disturbed as she felt a weight wrapped around her naked body. Her eyes started blinking as she gained consciousness felling his arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her so close against him. She groaned still feeling a bit sleepy, but a fire emanating from between her legs was shaking her sleep away. For a moment she thought she was dreaming a very vivid dream. Then, she felt his lips wetting her neck, and the tips of his hair brushing against her shoulder as he did so, making her senses come alive. The crescendo of arousal on her intimate parts was driving her insane. She grunted low and tried to turn around on her back but she could not. His body was completely wrapped with hers, and a tremendous heat between them. More awake, Ellie felt his hand playing down there and sending bolts of energy from between her thighs down to her legs. It was not a dream. Though with her eyes still closed, she knew then that she was being stirred, and she smiled.

"Chris..." She tried to speak but her voice was still so raspy from her sleep that she cleared her throat a little. "What are you doing?" Ellie asked after.

"Ellie, wake up..." She heard him whisper near her ear. "Wake up, babe..." Chris told her, still spreading kisses on her neck, and making her shiver.

"Babe..." She whispered. Her head still a bit fuzzy, but her body fully awake.

"Yeah..." He responded huskily kissing her neck one more time.

She shivered again as his lips caressed her skin. Finally, Ellie opened her eyes and she read the time on the clock on her night stand. A red light flickering 9.30 am.

"It's morning already!" She exclaimed, still feeling so sleepy. Then, she smiled. "Babe?" She called him but contorting a little enjoying the pleasure already installed in her body. "What are you doing, Chris?" Ellie whispered.

"Profiting of our morning." He smiled against her cheek.

"It's strange to wake up without her." Ellie commented suddenly, opening her eyes again. "Everything is so silent..."

"Let that go now." Chris whispered in her ear.

Then, his lips travelled down from her ear to her neck, and he placed another wet kiss on her and then he made her turn around on her back, by pulling her by her shoulder. Ellie was still trying to process the not rude awakening, but his thumb was doing wonders down there and she gasped in delight.

"What..." She was going to ask him what he was up too, but it was so clear to her. Her question was completely interrupted by some air that she swallowed. "Oh..." She moaned right after.

"Were you going to ask me what I want?" He asked, spreading kisses and she nodded. "Can you guess?" Chris whispered against her lips and Ellie smiled.

"No." She responded playfully.

"I wanna fuck..." He whispered kissing her lips, a witty smile on his lips as he said so.

"Yeah... because I didn't figure that out by myself..." Ellie giggled, pulling his hair away from his face, and looking in his intense blue eyes.

"Just making myself very clear, just in case..." He kissed her again. "...and as far as I can feel, you are so ready for it." He still played her down there.

"Babe..." Ellie moaned low and contorted a little as he circled her bundle of nerves perfectly. "Fuck..." She tried to say it without shaking voice, but it came out really shaky and her hips disobeyed her by pulling against his hand.

"Yeah..." Chris smiled. "That's what I am trying to do."

"You woke up with a funny sense of humor." Ellie joked.

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