Chapter 40

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Two weeks later...

Four days after awaking from her coma, Ellie left the hospital under strict rules. She could not do any type of efforts; she should rest properly and continue with all the post-partum recovery. In the next four days, solid food had been introduced to her, so she was able to eat normally and all type of tests were made to make sure she was alright to leave. Ellie knew her condition was fragile, though her heart was now functioning well. The pace maker and the muscle reconstruction returned complete life to her core. In an overall, she felt fine and happy she was back home. Sleeping back with Chris by her side had been an absolute cure, even if Heaven gave them terrible nights. Her crib was in their bedroom though she had her nursery ready, but it was easier to get out of the bed when she cried, which was every hour, to say the least. Her parents stayed just a few more days after she came back home and then they decided it was time to give them their privacy and Millie and John came back to their house, though her mother visited her every day.

Despite all that, Ellie knew she had woken up to a whole new life with Chris. When she left their house for the last time, it was just the two of them and now there was a baby that depended on them for everything. Parenting with Chris was a bliss though. Parenting in general was a blessing, even if they still had moments where they doubted their ability to take care of their daughter. It was overwhelming in every possible way. The need to protect her. The fear something happened. The attention they had to give her. The love they felt. Heaven was just four weeks old and had caused a revolution in their life. None of them would go back to a life where their little girl wasn't part of it though because she was now their biggest love. They loved one another and together they loved Heaven who was a piece of them. The baby born of their love.

That night had been a typical night with baby Heaven. Only around five in the morning, the baby gave signs of calming down. Even if fed and changed, Heaven kept crying every ten minutes. Ellie had been the one up most of the time, trying to ease the cramps they knew she had. She sucked her bottles too fast sometimes and with that she sucked a lot of air, causing her the cramps that disturbed her. They knew it because every time, she would bend her little legs, searching for comfort. Even if they used every trick, like leave the teat just half closed so the air could escape it or massage her belly when she was having a crisis, Heaven still suffered from it. A common thing in newborns said the pediatrician. So, that morning, when Ellie was getting out of the bed, Chris stopped her.

"The doctor said you should rest, babe." He told her still incredibly sleepy but it was time to feed Heaven again. "Stay in bed..." He asked rubbing his eyes.

"I wanna help you. You look like a zombie." Ellie smiled and Chris smiled too. Then, he bent over her and kissed her forehead.

"I know you do, but you spent the entire night up with our cub." He said, looking in her eyes. "You need to rest now. Sleep a bit more. I'll look after her while you sleep." Ellie ended up nodding for she was feeling too tired.

"Why are you treating me like this?" She asked him though, for Chris had been trying to do everything by himself.

"Like what?" Chris asked. "I don't understand your question."

"You do everything!" Ellie exclaimed. "You barely allow me to do anything, Chris..." She continued." bring me breakfast in bed... you bring me flowers when you go out, you serve me dinner and lunch, you tuck me into bed and I could go on." She told him resting her hands behind her head and looking in his eyes. Chris ran a hand through her hair.

"Isn't that obvious?" He asked her with a smile on his lips. "Because I love you, Ellie. I love you and I don't want to lose you and I almost did. It was the scariest moment of my life." Chris explained what she deep inside knew. He was so scared to lose her that he'd rather do it all by himself.

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