Chapter 29

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Brenda felt a weight against her body and frowned still with her eyes closed. She tried to move but she realized she was entrapped. There was a leg over hers and an arm wrapped tightly around her waist. It was not a bad feeling though. As she regained her mindfulness after waking up, she opened her eyes and rubbed them with a hand, being able after a few seconds to stare into the partial darkness of her bedroom. Jerry was completely wrapped around her, but the warmth of his body against hers was one of the best feelings she could remember and that made her smile first thing after waking up and it had been quite some time since smiling was the first thing she'd do after waking up. Carefully, she managed to turn around to face him and while doing so, he eased his grip on her by removing his leg, but his arm stayed there, pulling her to him. His long blond hair scattered all over his pillow and covering his face. Brenda raised her hand and with the tip of her fingers, she pulled the unruly strands of his hair away from him face. His lips slightly parted while he breathed heavily and she smiled again, approaching her face to his, staying just a few millimeters away from kissing him. Brenda closed her eyes just hearing him breathe in and out and enjoying how his naked body warmed hers. It hit her how much she had missed him and for a second she wondered how she had survived those long months apart. She had loved him all along, even when she thought she didn't. Not resisting it, she touched his lips with hers. A light brush just to make sure she was not dreaming and when she rested her head back on the pillow, she saw his lips curving in a smile.

"You're awake!" She exclaimed.

"It's awful to watch people sleep." He told her chuckling and his voice still a bit raspy. "Even more awful taking advantage of it." Brenda giggled and tapped his arm.

"You, making fun of me first thing in the morning is something that I don't know if I can forgive you." She told him.

Jerry wrapped his arm even tighter around her waist and rolled both their bodies on the bed, making Brenda fall with her back on the mattress and his body on top of hers. Then, he rested his forehead against hers, his hair falling all over her face, and he kissed her lips.

"Good morning." He whispered still against her lips.

"Hi!" She smiled at him.

"Hi!" He responded, pecking her again, but Brenda giggled. "What?" He asked.

"Your hair is tickling me." She answered, grabbing it in her hand, so she could see his face.

"I'll cut it." He told her and then laughed as he saw her eyes open wide in terror.

"Don't you fucking dare!" She said rather fast and he laughed quietly while adoring her eyes so set on his.

Then, Jerry lowered his face again and pressed his lips on hers one more time. The tip of his tongue probed on her upper lip right away and Brenda parted her lips, allowing the encounter of his tongue with hers. That moment, her hands tugged on the back of his head, while her fingers tangled in his golden locks. The kiss turned out long, lazy, and incredibly passionate. When the need to breathe didn't allow the kiss to continue, their lips parted but he continued kissing her down her neck and then her collar bone and finally her breasts. Her back arched a little when his lips got hold of her left nipple and she gasped as the tip of his tongue swirled sensually around it. Her legs wrapped around his waist, making him fall between her legs and she felt how ready he was for her already, but so was she.

"Babe..." She called him, raising her hips to hint him of her need.

"I missed you calling me that way." He smiled, kissing his way up until his lips reached hers again.

He stopped there. Noses touching and glare locked in one another. Her hand caressed his cheek while his eyes studied hers.

"I love you, B." He whispered and instead of answering it, Brenda raised her head a few inches and capture his lips.

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