Chapter 30

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10th February 1992

They arrived in Tacoma Airport early in the morning after a long night flight from Denmark where Soundgarden and Pearl Jam played at the same event. At that early hour, the airport was always extremely calm. Not many people around and those in the space moved smoothly, as quiet streams of humanity recently stirred from their sleep. The floors were still clean and white, reflecting the early rays of light at 6 am. Chris travelled with Eddie right after their shows while the others preferred to rest a day and then fly back home. They knew that was the right thing to do and that was the plan all along, but after a month and a half without seeing Ellie, Chris was too anxious to come back home. Eddie had been quiet about his reasons, but Chris believed it had something to do with Brooke since he knew they used to talk on the phone every day. He had planned to talk to him about it during the flight, but they had both fell asleep soon after they left Copenhagen. Touring was exhausting. Not only show after show but the partying late and the drinking, sometimes even going on stage intoxicated. Neither of them was the typical rock star nor they lived according to those clichés, but there was a lot of beer and Jack Daniels amongst them, close friends. It was time to rest and detox.

After getting their luggage, the two friends walked out of the airport in search for a cab that would take them home. When the sliding doors opened and they left Tacoma's arrivals lounging, stepping outside, the typical dense morning Seattle's fog greeted them in its complete plenitude. A white vapor blanket leaned over the city almost every day, especially in the mornings. Chris smiled at such realization. It instantly felt like home and the other reason to make him feel so was the humidity that penetrated his nostrils every time he inhaled. The air was rather chilly, it was still winter after all. Thus, both reached for their jackets and put it on after resting their luggage on the ground.

"Welcome home." Eddie smiled. "The fog... the chilly air... the humidity in the air... we got the complete show."

"No doubt." Chris chuckled. Then, he pointed at the other side of the street. "Look, there's the line for the cabs."

"Yeah..." Eddie responded. "Let's go. I can't wait to get home and hit my bed."

"Me too." Chris smiled. "I am so fucking tired."

They grabbed back their travelling bags and crossed the street, staying last in the line of probably twenty people. Chris rubbed his face still feeling tired and zipped his leather jacket as the cool breeze trespassed his cotton sweater and made him shiver. He saw Eddie do the same and then smiled.

"What?" Eddie asked, pulling his hair from inside his jacket. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Is it because of Brooke that you wanted to come back earlier?" Chris asked as that was the perfect window to finally bring the subject up.

"Oh man..." Eddie rolled his eyes feeling uncomfortable.

"Don't roll your eyes." Chris pocked his arm. "Brooke is staying with Ellie in our house, so she knows... and she tells me..."

"We have been talking." Eddie responded, scratching the back of his neck.

"That's not what I asked." Chris narrowed his eyes. "I know that. I asked if it was because of her that you came back a day earlier." He insisted, grabbing his pack of cigarettes of his pocket, and pulling one out.

"Yes." Eddie responded really low, looking away for he couldn't face Chris while confessing it.

"What?" Chris asked with the cigarette between his lips and then lighting it. "Was that a yes?" He asked blowing the smoke of the first drag away. "I could barely hear you."

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