Chapter 6

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After work, Brenda had stopped by to visit her friend knowing she was alone at home because Chris was out rehearsing with his band. It was cold outside. Ellie had been out on the balcony for a couple of minutes but couldn't stay long as the cold breeze froze her bones and it made it impossible to sit and stay still. It was a sunny day though with a clean sky where only a few scattered clouds could be seen. It was not something common in Seattle during the fall. The city was known for being gloomy, but many times the sun would pay Seattle a visit during the colder seasons. Ellie was on the couch with her legs pulled up, while Brenda was sitting on the carpet. Both with a cup of tea in their hands, that Brenda had brewed, forbidding Ellie to be standing not even to do the honors.

"So, you two are together, together..." Brenda laughed as Ellie had just told her that they were sleeping in the same bed. "I told you, you would be fine right on the first night!" She teased her friend.

Ellie rolled her eyes while sipping on her tea with a soft smile on her lips. Then, she spoke.

"We can't have sex." She said to contradict her friend. She would not go into other details though.

"Oh..." Brenda laughed a little louder. "That is a bummer isn't it, Ellie?" She mocked. Ellie threw her on of the cushions that Brenda stopped by raising an arm and laughed louder. "The truth always hurts!" She mocked her again.

Ellie laughed though. "I know there is a bigger reason, but gosh..." She breathed. "I miss him! I miss making love to him..."

"Stay strong my friend." Brenda reached out to pat her leg but Ellie could perceive her still mocking tone and rolled her eyes.

"I am serious!" Ellie laughed.

"I am too." Brenda argued.

"Two weeks..." Ellie breathed. "Hopefully... let us hope it is just these two weeks." She rolled her eyes.

"How is he?" Brenda asked right after since Ellie had decided to move back in with him because she was worried about him.

"He is going through a phase." Ellie said vaguely for she didn't want to expose Chris's problems openly.

"That bad?" Brenda asked as she noticed how Ellie's semblance changed to a concerned one.

"You know how his mind can drift sometimes." Ellie told her. "You have known him for quite some time."

"I know..." Brenda nodded. "I think with you near, he might come back from the depths of his mind."

Ellie nodded. "I hope so." She whispered and then took a deep breath. "You know... sometimes I wish I could erase all bad that has happened to him and left such a mark on him. Chris could be such a bad guy, you know, considering all that he has been through, and he is not." She paused. "He is so gentle and kind to everyone. Sure he has a wild side..." She smiled tenderly.

"That he uses mainly on stage." Brenda interrupted her. "He transforms himself! It's like he is not even the same person."

"True. "Ellie agreed. "Chris is quiet though. You know that."

"Can you imagine if your child takes it after wild Chris on stage?" Brenda giggled and Ellie ended up doing so too.

"Oh... no..." She frowned after. "Can't you see that even on stage sometimes he is deep inside his mind? He is in his own world..."

"He is a fantastic guy." Brenda ended up saying. "I love him to death and I hated to see him so sad after you left. I am so glad you came back home."

"I fear that all these things that he carries inside will take its toll on him someday." Ellie relieved. "I don't want him to suffer more..." Tears came to her eyes that moment and her lips trembled. "It hurts me so much when he is hurting. I feel his pain, B. I fear..." She breathed and then said no more. She just shook her head. "I don't want to think about it..."

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