Chapter 39

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Chris leaned over her and rested his nose on her cheek inhaling her scent. His tears falling on her face. Both were crying. His hands caressed her hair over and over again, not believing she had actually come back. For a moment, he thought he could be just dreaming, so he raised his head and looked in her watery eyes. Her lips trembled a little as she slightly sobbed as she looked in the eyes she adored and that showed so much pain. There was so much pain in his glare she felt her hear crack in dust.

"Chris..." Ellie gasped, feeling his hand wrapping with hers, and looking in his eyes again. She wished she could hold him close but her arms were filled with tubes, she could hardly move. "Are you really here?" She ended up asking him as her voice and consciousness came back. "Are you?" Ellie insisted, feeling his hands cradle her head.

"I am, babe." He nodded. "I missed you so much." He bent over to kiss her lips. "I love you so much my sweet girl." He said resting his forehead against hers. His eyes closed. "Don't ever leave me... don't leave me..." He pleaded. "Don't leave me again, Ellie."

"I love you too." Ellie said, shifting her face to kiss his lips. "I won't leave you... ever... never, Chris."

"Promise?" He pulled away and looked in her eyes, and Ellie nodded.

"I saw Andy." Ellie told him and Chris curled an eyebrow. "It was Andy..." Ellie insisted. "I swear I saw Andy, Chris." She kept saying. "It was him... it was him..." She repeated.

"Wait..." He shifted his hands from her head to her face. "Calm down..."

"It was him!" Ellie exclaimed again.

It was so fresh and so vivid that she was still too overwhelmed about the huge event. Seeing Andy and talking to him was something she couldn't explain. Ellie didn't understand where she had been or if she was just dreaming but she remembered him too well... his laughter... the tone of his voice... everything he said and even the way he ordered her back. Andy was the door she was looking for to get out of the place she was at. It was so confusing though that she ended up frowning.

"It was him!" Ellie was adamant. "I saw him!"

"What do you mean?" Chris asked, studying her face. Ellie looked so tired.

"I don't know where I was but I saw Andy and he talked to me." She started explaining. "I thought I was dead but he told me I wasn't. He yelled at me... he forced me to come back... I came back because of him..." Chris grabbed her hand and entwined his fingers with hers.

"You were in a coma, babe." He said sweetly. "Maybe you were just dreaming. Your brain was functioning or so the doctors told me." Chris said. "You miss your cousin a lot and that might explain it."

"What happened to me, Chris?" Ellie asked him.

"You don't remember?" He whispered, starting to relieve the memories inside his head.

"No really..." Ellie responded.

Chris shook his head and tears probed in his eyes once again. It was so painful to remember that day and all the days after it. Tears fell down his face, but he started to clean it for he didn't want to cry anymore in front of her.

"Our cub wanted to see this world too fast." He started explaining. "You still remember that?" He asked and she shook her head. "Heaven needed to come out or we would lose her. So, your mother and Robert and a few nurses were in the delivering room..." Ellie interrupted him there.

"You were there with me." She told him. "I remember you were there..."

"I was..." He nodded. "I was on the stretcher with you because you were so scared..." His voice trembled as he remembered it.

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